Example sentences of "[conj] is not [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Even though he does not intend to insult , or is not seeking to insult , he can be guilty of the offence if he is aware that his conduct is or might be insulting .
2 Whether any particular conduct is or is not threatening , abusive or insulting is , of course , a matter of objective judgment for the tribunal of fact .
3 " A great player like Seve wants basically confirmation of what he is or is not doing right , " explained Bob .
4 And I think that 's what a lot of problem with condemned by the G P is is they 're not able to articulate the unhappiness that 's coming from the eating disorder , so they 're told to go away and put on a couple of pounds and because they have n't expressed that feeling the G P ca n't or is n't thinking enough to try and and poke into it a little bit more .
5 anyway erm and if P D er , remains a problem , or is n't gon na be addressed as far as the changes
6 We need a government which is not afraid of playing its part , a government that is not clinging to some of the apparent certainties of the Cold War but one that is willing to step off the sidelines and help ensure that through co-operation between East and West we can move from the two old Europes to the one new Europe with stability .
7 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
8 We live in a world that is not developing uniformly .
9 Many factors can cause this but one of them would be a body temperature that is not falling fast enough in the evening .
10 Any comments on any section that is not pertaining to the resolution that was on page nineteen ?
11 Spotting a store that is not selling as much as it could sell is easy .
12 Blithely oblivious to the fact that France is about the only member country with any money that is not running an enormous budget deficit , the European Commission yesterday outlined a grandiose plan to spend $15,000m on a network to link bureaucracies in the 12 European Community countries to help their authorities to exchange information in areas from social security to natural disasters in the single market .
13 The local Liberal Democrat candidate , Lina Stimpson , who first came to Southend on her father 's works outing , says : ‘ Sewage is a problem that is not going to go away . ’
14 Now with diabetes there 's two types , too much sugar and too little sugar now diabetes erm , Irene said to you , erm is controlled by the insulin in the pancreas in the stomach , it throws out this insulin the liver throws out the sugar and I 'm not going into actual detail , but if there is too little insulin then it is allowing the liver to send out too much glucose , so if , if the person has got this erm pancreas that is n't churning out insulin or too little then your person will have sugar diabetes .
15 You always feel foolish , running away from something that is n't chasing you .
16 ‘ The recommendations say the requirements of the disabled should be monitored , but how can you monitor something that is n't happening ? ’
17 If there 's something that is n't working , there 's a well known adage with computers , do n't fix it .
18 No , if one 's not working and the other one 's working , the one that is n't working 's supposed to get relief on it
19 sort of , to put it , I 'm gon na be is that as from tomorrow we will have identified what erm desking and so on will be moved during the reorganization erm , and obviously any of the desking that is n't gon na be moved until the organization , we 'll be tidying up the cables .
20 But er , the others , anything that is n't gon na be changed where the cabling is untidy , is dangerous , will have to picked up before that .
21 promising us this fantastic new world that is n't gon na cost us any money .
22 There is n't anything that is n't going to cause trouble .
23 Retailers have a tendency to be quite selfish people wanting more and more of a product that is selling well , but cancelling an order and telling you to go away and solve your own problems when there 's a product that is n't selling well .
24 has never happened and is n't happening now and it 's
25 The press , the TV and the radio would like to know what 's going on and , incidentally , so would I. Kersey does n't know , or he does and is n't saying . ’
26 Well I do n't know , ha ha have n't you got a position where er as , as we began to , to see last week , there is this radicalization coming in but the , the er i i it 's the peasants who 've moved to the left of the Party , you 're right , that they are inappropriate to this very moderate policy of rent reduction erm a tax on collaborators land is being redistributed and is n't saying right we , i i in the same way that , that Mao was identifying the problem in in , either you , you follow the masses or you , you lead them but , but thereof we are behind them and a sense the Party has got ta recognize that , it 's got ta catch up with the masses and is n't that first paragraph saying look this is the way you should be going , that there are peasants who are redistributing the land and land reform is in effect taking place and that 's what we want to see ?
27 Now 34 and divorced , she has lived with Geoff for three years and is n't contemplating marriage again .
28 Again the internal market has n't worked and is n't working .
29 We still feel someone in the the local community knows something and is n't coming forward .
30 If B replies no he is inviting A to tell him , while a response of no could be taken to mean that he does not know and is not expecting to be told .
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