Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] well " in BNC.

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1 The Mail had a regular page for women which would not be out of place in an English daily , where it may well have originated :
2 I do not think it can be said that the manner of death is any more horrific than it used to be ( although it may well be different ) but it may be that the way of reporting someone 's death has radically changed and that this has brought its own problems .
3 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
4 Means , in most of the reported cases , the naked penis although it may well be that exposure of the vagina would be within the mischief the offence is trying to prevent .
5 Although it may well be the right treatment , they take a long time to get over it .
6 However , this is not sufficient , either , although it may well be necessary .
7 A relativist will deny that there is a unique category , ‘ science ’ , that is intrinsically superior to other forms of knowledge , although it may well be that individuals or communities place a high value on what is usually referred to as science .
8 A better song at the learning stage does not , for instance , allow it to defend a territory or court females more effectively — although it may well have such a consequence later , after the song has been learnt ( p. 127 ) .
9 On balance , the evidence does not support this tactical scenario , although it may well have occurred to de Gaulle .
10 Although it may well cover something of an earlier date .
11 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
12 Mr Gorbachev 's clear message was that the time had not yet come to abolish the party 's monopoly of power , but that it might well do so when a new political structure had been worked out , and the present economic crisis overcome .
13 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
14 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
15 He accepted that it might well be difficult for practitioners to give instant answers to queries on old files , but pointed out that allowing a seven day delay for answers to be prepared would increase the number of days required for each visit ; this would both increase disruption to practitioners and put up costs , possibly even doubling them .
16 It was some moments before it occurred to any of them that it might well be Chris or the tardy boy from the bistro , harmlessly appealing for admission to his promised evening of jollity and sustenance .
17 ‘ Has she told the police about it ? ’ asked Melissa , wondering if ‘ two-coat ’ could he local dialect for ‘ two-faced ’ and thinking that it might well be a suitable epithet for Rodney Shergold .
18 yep it 's just that some of the cottages tend to be a bit smaller so that it might well be that we can get you something where there 's a perhaps ground floor extension or whatever okay .
19 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
20 I want to discuss this with my superiors , but I think it 's only fair for me to say that it may well be difficult for us to keep you here . ’
21 One should be aware that it may well have played an equally significant role in saving the Conservative Party from disintegration .
22 It is therefore suggested that it may well be necessary to provide help for certain groups of bereaved people .
23 My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union .
24 Notes retails at around £400 a user ( with discounts on multiple purchases ) , and is getting so popular that it may well emerge as the de facto standard for disseminating information .
25 But the way in which the lymph nodes ( like some other organs of the immune system ) sequester replicating HIV particles is so unexpected that it may well point to unexpected and more effective means for the treatment of AIDS .
26 The belief that early experience determines adult behaviour is so widespread that it may well be regarded as common sense .
27 Erm and i also need to be concerned that the health authority I think is claiming that this merger will actually give them a better erm size population for research purposes for for purchasing , however , I think that it may well be that particular health needs , people in West Essex and Harlow in particular which has , for example , a rapidly ageing population and therefore needs facilities had not been planned into the town by way of health erm , that those statistics , those pockets of need are going to get overlooked in a much more large and vast disparate statistical picture , stretching from Hertfordshire right across to the coast I think it 's too big a sample and we need to make sure that our specific needs are n't going to be overlooked in all that .
28 ‘ Thus we consider this case against the background of a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited , robust , and wide-open , and that it may well include vehement , caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials .
29 It just says that some parts of the business will throw off cash surpluses , that it may well not be worth investing further in those businesses , and that , in that case , the funds can be used to further investment elsewhere .
30 However , in November 1986 , the Leader of the Opposition said that the single market would be ’ a political failure of such magnitude that it may well endanger the future development and cohesion of the Community . ’
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