Example sentences of "[conj] to [pers pn] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 DI 'd through a desk and recorded onto both DAT and cassette utilising the onboard amp simulator , the distortion could n't be described as amazing , but I presume this must be what people expect to hear these days , although to me it does n't sound too close to what you 'd get from a guitar amp .
2 He had never been taught to draw although he admits that to him it is ‘ as natural as breathing .
3 She saw the crystal in front of him flicker with pale lights , and guessed that to him it was no pallid , ice-sheathed glimmer .
4 I suppose that to them she represented a fast , efficient approach to life that jarred with their more laid-back , aristocratic one .
5 She had ideas about these two , especially about Michel , but saw that to them she was invisible , not quite real , as au pair girls frequently , perhaps usually , are .
6 Ay , I I 've I 've said that to them I said well you might have , if I take to work you 'll certainly hear some they said tha well if that 's common usage words that 's what it has to be and words that we never use at all that are in dictionaries and nobody ever uses them , they want to know common ordinary speech words that we use .
7 We live so isolated an existence here that to me it seems quite odd .
8 No , but the way she said that to me I thinks .
9 That 's er , give that to me I 'm not a bloody
10 And now he 's said that to me I 'm not going to .
11 He did mention that to me he did say that to me .
12 You do n't understand the circumstances , you do n't understand the storm I might , I might not leave that to me he says I will be with you .
13 Erm y I mean if you read er or somebody suggested that to you you might
14 No , I took it home , I I was sort of leaving that to you you know , as you say , as you 've just mentioned now that , but no , I thought when you first of you said have n't got the time to put these all the layers of on , you know and
15 Michael Swinton is not , of course , one of our most distinguished painters , his style is too obvious , too photographic but I imagine that to you it seemed a wonderful distinction . ’
16 I can see how those faded images might suggest sultry nights of Mediterranean passion even if to me they now evoke only memories of sunburn and Retsina hangovers .
17 Cos to me I was n't but they said I was talking posh on the tape .
18 A few remained among the vines , and to them we continued to take food .
19 But that 's why telephone sales because telephone and the to us and to them you know .
20 I mean , we 've lived together since we were young babies , and to them it 's nothing .
21 We were talking about budget decisions and after the microphones closed at the end of the programme they commented about that home in Blenheim Road in Kidlington , and to them it was n't healthy .
22 When he slept there , as he occasionally did in the classroom on the ground floor known for some mysterious reason as the ‘ Remove ’ , he could hear the trains run past the end of the garden and to him it was the most romantic sound in the world .
23 ‘ You were a virgin , ’ he said flatly , and to her it sounded like an accusation .
24 Some of them used to come to the Accademia and to me they 're still welcome if they want to come and speak .
25 And the very player that I was talking about then , turns up now down the left hand side , he holds on so well , the cross again , and er again almost gets the cross in and our er colleague from the Italian service is er getting very excited a just away to my left , but er the header is wide , he can calm down a little , have an aspirin , and it 's still two one for Notts , but er Pisa they 're a danger , and to me they look far more dangerous than the Italian opponents in the last game here at Lane in this same competition .
26 On that first Broadway night I had stood in the wings where he was absent-mindedly fondling the breasts of his frizzy-haired admirer , and to me he had looked just like any other dirty old man ; but then , as the royal fanfare sounded , he had twitched his grey gown , given me a wink , and walked into the stage 's glare .
27 And to me he added , " That 'll keep him on the run . "
28 He 's made us really meet real people , you know what I mean , people with handicapped children , and to me I find them more real than some of my friends that live in another world , fantasising about the future , you know , ‘ What 's the kids going to be when they grow up ? ’
29 But you do n't get that choice you do n't er and to me I , I hate going because the , you , you got everyone seems to be , it 's , it 's as bad as a road really with the trolleys erm and I badly miss this over-the-counter service but er
30 Human life is a series of lessons and opportunities for development and evolvement and to me it seems logical to assume that one spirit continues its learning process throughout many lifetimes .
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