Example sentences of "[conj] the house of " in BNC.

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1 Like the rest of us , he knew , or thought he knew , that in the 18th century ‘ the riot was probably a more effective curb on the government ’ than either the Lords or the House of Commons — ‘ England 's strongest countervailing force ’ .
2 The leading party , the National party of Nigeria ( NPN ) , forms the Federal Government but does not have a majority in either the Senate or the House of Representatives .
3 Asquith would never have chosen the Strand Magazine or the House of Commons as a place in which to read .
4 John Berger 's exercise in Ways of Seeing of swapping the sex , while maintaining the body language and expression , of images of man and woman , remains a valid and simple kick start to an analysis of the politics of the representation of gender — whether Cadbury 's flake ads , Boucher 's ‘ Miss O'Murphy ’ , fashion photography , or the House of Commons …
5 An appeal to the House of Lords from a decision of the Court of Appeal can be made by the prosecution or defence if the Court of Appeal certifies that its decision raises a point of law of general public importance and leave to appeal is granted by that court or the House of Lords .
6 There was no decision of the Court of Appeal or the House of Lords on the point .
7 After several days of argument in this court and consideration of conflicting authorities , with no decision of this court or the House of Lords on the point , I , for my part , can not dismiss it so easily .
8 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
9 Since 1977 , no judge sitting in the High Court , or the Court of Appeal or the House of Lords ( as a Law Lord ) had formerly been a Member of the House of Commons .
10 For an appeal to the House of Lords , either the Court of Appeal or the House of Lords must give leave .
11 The leading case is Anisminic Ltd v. Foreign Compensation Commission , where the House of Lords held that the effect of an exclusion clause is only to prevent errors of law by a tribunal which are within its jurisdiction : the clause would not prevent the review of decisions outside jurisdiction .
12 Where the House of Commons rejects a Bill passed by the House of Lords , the Bill fails .
13 Another well known example is the line of cases headed by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 , where the House of Lords said that the court should not exercise its inherent jurisdiction to supervise the exercise of a discretion within an area committed by statute to a local authority .
14 In support of this submission he relied on the recent decision of the House of Lords in Reg. v. Inland Revenue Commissioners , Ex parte T. C. Coombs & Co. [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 283 , 302F where the House of Lords held , in the words of Lord Lowry who gave the leading judgment in which the other Lords of Appeal concurred , that
15 Another well known example is the line of cases headed by A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 , where the House of Lords said that the court should not exercise its inherent jurisdiction to supervise the exercise of discretion within an area committed by statute to a local authority .
16 The law was simple to state and was in accordance with Brutus v Cozens [ 1973 ] AC 854 , where the House of Lords held that ordinary English words such as " insulting " should be left for the jury .
17 Still , the Emperor and the Pope were the two greatest forces in the west , and because of them and Thorfinn 's comradely relations with Svein of Denmark , because of England 's weakness at sea and because of her terror of Norway , neither King Edward nor the House of Godwin was likely that winter ( said Thorfinn , with justice ) to trouble Scotia .
18 In response to further letters in A Quarterly , the Society justified its stance by saying that while it accepted some correspondents ' views that certain butlers of excellent quality were to be found in the houses of businessmen , ‘ the assumption had to be that the houses of true ladies and gentlemen would not refrain long from acquiring the services of any such persons ’ .
19 He was sure that the Houses of Parliament were ‘ at the bottom of the whole thing ’ , as having once burnt its fingers , the country was unwilling to embark on another building in the Gothic style .
20 It is regrettable that the House of Lords has not taken a similarly progressive approach .
21 That the House of Commons , which had its share of agnostics and non-Anglicans , should order the Church how to worship God was an interference by the State in the affairs of the Church , just where those affairs were sacred and touched the conscience .
22 And in addition to that , as governments knew that the House of Commons would not be agreeable , ah , the ah , polite phrase is ‘ had not been educated up to ’ , ah , the acceptance of a transfer of sovereignty of the islands , an additional ingredient was thrown in .
23 We will propose appropriate Parliamentary reforms to ensure that the House of Commons conducts its business more efficiently and effectively , taking into account the benefits of modern technology , the increasing constituency demands upon Members of Parliament and the need to attract more women to stand for election .
24 SAVE 's solicitors argued that the House of Lords judgment ‘ extends to the case where the demolition , although not total , is sufficiently substantial to alter or remove the identity of the building ’ .
25 A man of vaulting ambitions with the talents to match , passionately devoted to his house and ambitious for his favourite grandson , the twelve-year-old Robert , making no secret now that Alexander III was dead that the House of Bruce had the best claim to the Scottish throne .
26 The case that is usually made out for retention is that the House of Lords nevertheless discharges a valuable constitutional function especially in the processing of uncontroversial Bills and the revision of Bills passed , perhaps with undue haste and lack of consideration , by the House of Commons .
27 Governments do not exercise the same sway over the House of Lords ; notwithstanding that the House of Lords is sensitive of its constitutional vulnerability and hence wary of obstructing governments , it can be more troublesome for a government to negotiate the passage of a Bill through the House of Lords than through the House of Commons .
28 Had the House of Lords retained the power to block the Commons utterly , and particularly had it not been possible for the Labour administration of 1945–51 force through its nationalisation policies by using the Parliament Act procedure to amend the 1911 Act , it is likely that the House of Lords would have been abolished .
29 Indeed , it is probably true to say that the House of Commons relies upon the House of Lords to do this job , up to a point .
30 I predict with complete confidence that the House of Lords will never be abolished for two reasons .
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