Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pers pn] often " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty with this sort of material is that we often do not know if the coins have been acquired on a random and thus representative basis .
2 What is strange is that we often accept the opposite : that large benefits naturally carry with them large risks .
3 One problem about statements of policy or principle is that they often need ( in the nature of things ) to refer to generalized concepts of types or levels of books — e.g. an undergraduate text — whereas in practice such definitions are notoriously difficult to apply to particular works ( see pp.42–3 ) .
4 The trouble with planners is that they often persuaded themselves that they could and should impose their plans on other people .
5 But what is evident is that they often sought affection from the only source which under the circumstances was available — other boys .
6 Leaving aside the fact , to which we will return in a moment , that less skilled people can usually be paid less wages than those who are skilled , an important characteristic of craft workers is that they often exercise tight control as an occupation over the job that they do .
7 Another advantage of such places is that they often have someone on hand to keep an eye on the exhibitions .
8 The danger for players who swing out-to-in is that they often have a feeling of swinging in-to-out .
9 A key weakness of conventional forecasting methods is that they often fail to capture the ‘ turning points ’ — the onset of recession or the beginning of recovery .
10 One is that I often stay at a first-class hotel to merge into the background .
11 But what 's really scary is that I often lie there for an age afterwards thinking , ‘ Just what will I do , if this dream should ever come true ? ’
12 The reason I want to learn ISL is that I often go to Dublin and feel ashamed of my inability to communicate .
13 One of the most revealing facts about using BM is that you often discover that inadvertently you are either rewarding undesirable behaviour and hence encouraging it , or are mistakenly punishing good behaviour .
14 What this approach soon reveals is that you often spend large amounts of time not on the things that matter but on activities which are relatively easy to devote time to , while the more difficult tasks tend to be pushed aside simply because they are more difficult .
15 The result is that you often know your grandchildren better than your own children ! ’
16 The attraction of technology transfer to SMEs is that it often involves incremental improvements to products and processes which offer a rapid return and reduced risk .
17 If there has been a criticism , it is that he often lured artists into singing roles beyond their immediate range or capacity .
18 The nicest thing about my dad is that he often takes me along to work with him .
19 This is because they often do not hear their kittens calling to them and they ignore their cries for attention .
20 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
21 His reply was that he often did but not usually soon enough . )
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