Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 we 've got to act fairly quickly so can we decide in principle whether we 're going to do this or not and let them know that we either are or we are n't .
2 Many of the routine social situations we find ourselves in are clearly rule-governed , but it is often extremely difficult to specify exactly what the rules are or what are the potential breaches of the rules .
3 You either are or you are n't .
4 Latest reports are that they are breeding successfully .
5 Drawbacks are that they are carburetted , requiring much wristwork from the driver on the hefty levers which control the warm air intakes .
6 Frequently recurring criticisms of the contracts are that they are of up to nine years ' duration , they contain hidden annual increases , that the costs of settling old agreements are added to the undisclosed capital value of new equipment , and that the total cost of a contract is not disclosed .
7 Their main advantages are that they are relatively cheap , come in a wide range of sizes and styles , and can be built directly into the brickwork without the need for a sub-frame .
8 The owners of both Cool Ground and Twin Oaks are keen to run their horses and the indications are that they are likely to get their way .
9 The advantages of pods , are that they are cheap and easily replaced .
10 The disadvantages are that they are flimsy , and have many potential contact problems .
11 The disadvantages are that they are expensive and only available from Garrett outlets .
12 The two big advantages of capillary fittings are that they are considerably cheaper than compression fittings and much neater in appearance .
13 Their main disadvantages are that they are affected by jointing compound and that they may not fit through the loft hatch .
14 Now the indications are that they are likely to provide some funding though we have n't had that formally in writing yet .
15 The strengths of these people are that they are flexible , popular , and they have good listening skills .
16 But the signs are that they are going to get tough with clubs that offer idle excuses for not getting their cup-ties out of the way .
17 They are that they are that , because I tell you what it is , I do n't know
18 All the indications are that we are now forging ahead .
19 All the signs are that we are going to have to put up with far from satisfactory liquid crystal diode displays if we want portability , and recognising that the things are far from ideal , Japanese manufacturers are pulling out all the stops to improve the things .
20 We shall do our best , of course , to hold the Residency against them , but the chances are that we are now too few to be able to do so For this reason all the wounded , the ladies , and the children must be taken to the banqueting hall tonight , together with water , powder , cloth , and indeed every single object that might come to our assistance .
21 Several papers said so — and are still unwilling to listen to the facts which are that we are simply encouraging staff — not branch managers — to collect fees which are properly due .
22 Further assumptions are that we are fragmented as a movement , and that unity , not a hollow unity which does not go beyond slogans , but an authentic unity established in a principled way , would enable us to have more of an impact in effecting change in our own communities and in turn worldwide .
23 Yeah , come out with look I mean right what happens any travel agent right will tell ya right that these are that there are huge corporates with massive opportunities for business in the corporate sector particularly on because they 're used to saying that the reps and in the main will buy that because they 'll be able to get something out of it .
24 It says dear Mr and Mrs due to turnover of stocks we regret that we are that there are no mini hi-fis .
25 However , the probabilities are that you are fooling yourself .
26 If you are experiencing difficulty in any of the key areas of life listed below , the chances are that you are not experiencing whole health .
27 ‘ My orders , little friar , are that you are to accompany me into Cheapside to a tavern called the Bear and Ragged Staff .
28 Thank you all for coming , I know that it 's , it just shows how interested some of us are that you are coming in on such a nice day as this to hear Doreen Griffiths ’ The Cinderella Army ’ or the Land Army , and I must say just reading these bits up here now , I 've got lots of questions I want to ask her when she 's finished , so we 'll let her tell
29 The traditional ‘ trade-off ’ for the secure tenure of senior British civil servants has been that they are anonymous and politically impartial .
30 The primary objection to UDCs has been that they are not directly accountable to local authorities or local people in their areas .
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