Example sentences of "[be] [adv] always a " in BNC.

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31 More recently , a variety of studies have demonstrated statistical relationships between the degree of polygyny and the development of sexual dimorphism , though the relationship is not always a close one ( Ralls , 1977 ) .
32 But dependence on a mass market is not always a bad thing .
33 However there is not always a suitable candidate from the Imperial house , or there may be another powerful count who is preferred .
34 And it is not always a matter of sleeping in a swank hotel nearby ; several investigating teams have , from time to time , had to share a tent on or near the accident site because of the remoteness of the crash .
35 Professor Parker shows that this is not always a matter of dispassionate assessment but may turn on whether the research is seen to be delivering ‘ good ’ news or ‘ bad ’ news .
36 It is also important to recognise that , for many of those with disabilities , performance in one situation , such as school , is not always a good guide to performance in real living and working situations .
37 However , unlimited choice is not always a good thing .
38 Freedom , we now notice , is not always a higher ideal than those with which it competes , nor is rationality necessarily just a matter of self-interest .
39 The non-satisfaction of my wants , needs etc. , therefore , is not always a violation of my autonomy .
40 In matrilineal societies , the father is missing as an important social figure , but there is not always a totemic system operating .
41 Furthermore , intuition is not always a good guide , as problem 3 in the Prologue demonstrates .
42 But for the newspaper proprietors , outside competition is not always a problem .
43 This imprinted beacon is not always a visual one .
44 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
45 The ‘ domestic bargain' ( a phrase coined by Martin and Roberts , 1984 ) is not always a very ‘ good buy ’ .
46 Because poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance and physical handicap and even cultural diversity , the diagnosis of actual low intelligence is not always a precise or accurate process .
47 This is not always a fair criticism , as they themselves may have been extremely resistant to being told anything .
48 Although the school is also an important source , it is not always a particularly satisfactory or effective one .
49 This profile contains information such as : what they consider to be their mother tongue , ( which is not always a straightforward matter ) , what other language with whom , in what medium and in which domain etc. , ) what other languages they have learned , acquired and used in their lives and also highlights the diverse linguistic abilities that people already have before going on any course — this often comes as something of a surprise — even to the people concerned !
50 Plainly , there is not always a connection between farming and spelling ; indeed , many other documents can be identified where these subjects are not connected .
51 The two-part tariff is not always a feasible solution .
52 Protecting birds is not always a battle — the Society is so large , experienced and well-respected that Government and other bodies frequently come to us for advice .
53 Even so , employee mobility is diminishing , worldwide , as people realise their loyalty to an employer is not always a guarantee of job security , and quality of life takes a higher focus for many .
54 It is of particular value where international companies are working in different time zones and the telephone is not always a convenient method of communication .
55 This is not always an easy course to take .
56 As indicated in the literature ( Crocker and Fisher , 1974 ; Fischer , 1978 ; Calam and Elliott , 1987 ) the practitioner-researcher relationship is not always an easy one and it was particularly useful that the two researchers were part of the team in terms of giving feedback , answering queries , searching out missing information and reporting on the progress of the research .
57 The latter has lovely tones but is not always an easy leaf to use as its heavy colouring can make it difficult to incorporate into a design .
58 As anyone who has ever attempted it will know , driving nails or picture hooks into a concrete brick wall is not always an easy task — more often than not , you end up with bent nails , and quite possibly , damaged masonry .
59 Once it realizes that going to the vet is not always an unpleasant experience , then its fear of this situation should be significantly reduced , and subsequently it should be easier for the dog to be examined without difficulty .
60 We know that Matisse is more than a decorative painter and we agree that Picasso is not always an aggressive painter , but the whole discourse about these painters has depended upon certain prejudicial polarities : colour or form ; wholeness or disintegration ; tradition or avant-garde ; French or international .
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