Example sentences of "[be] [adv] just something " in BNC.

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1 Rewards are not just something a child likes , they actually cause the child to change its behaviour in order to earn them .
2 he never made any thing else in his image , but he made you to be created in his image and with that there 's that status , were not just a more intelligent animal , were not just something else that God made even , but were that , that peak of his creative genius , the peak of it , the very pinnacle of it , not because of what we are , but because of the image , the pattern that he was using , his own self , created us in his image , so that gave us status but it gives us responsibility .
3 This is not just something for after lunch ,
4 Keeping a pet is not like owning a video , though , a pet is not just something that is there for your entertainment , it is something that you have to care for .
5 It 's not just something you can dress up and take for walks in the park .
6 If you can get it back that 's why I say do the graph if you can get it back to erm but it 's not just something to the fifth , it 's really It 's something to the tenth .
7 er right erm tt yep that seems to be okay I did n't erm no I was reading this on , this morning just after the clinical lecture and I did n't see anything that , that I thought would be problematic erm you know given , you know , sort of what I 've seen in your coursework so far you seem to have got a fairly good idea of what you can ask and what you can get away with and what sorts of things you think are useful and , and , and stuff like that so erm you know I 'm entirely happy with your judgment as to the content erm you know because it 's part of an ongoing pr project and it 's not just something that you 've , you 've knocked off in half an hour or anything so erm
8 The , it is a competitive marketplace ; er we 're not alone in the U K , if you look at the rest of Europe , you 'll find er inflation lower yes , but salary increases for the senior jobs and the top jobs there , are also higher than they are lower down , so this widening of differentials is n't just something that is , is the British disease , it occurs in other European countries as well .
9 They believe that it is possible for man , and that it is indeed his highest intellectual and emotional task , to survey his own being , to call into the forefront of his mind every attitude and habit of mind , of emotion , of passion and feeling , to penetrate down beneath these superficial layers , to deeper and deeper and ever more tranquil , untroubled generalized forms of the self , until eventually you come within sight of some inner absolutely undisturbed pool which every person has within himself , and which if he finds it removes him finally from the distracting passions of ordinary life , and with this rider , that in proportion as you get there and find this thing , this true self within yourself , you find that it is n't just something subjective and peculiar to you , it is something identical with the world , so that in solving your own problems in one sense , you do it by transcending your ordinary nature .
10 When Simon saw that the spirit was bestowed to the laying on of the apostles hands it was n't just something he conjured up in his imagination .
11 It was n't just something you did lightly , you had to weigh it all up and consider the cost of it .
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