Example sentences of "[be] [adv] also [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Holbein case ’ has undoubtedly taken the focus off the Canaletto and Zoffany , which are arguably also strong candidates for British national collections .
2 If two uncontrolled groups prove to be different in some respect , we can only treat this as evidence of a causal relationship if we are convinced that they are not also different in some other important respect , as we shall
3 ( Doane 1984 , p. 6 ) But this does not mean either that film-viewers are not also active readers of film who can produce their own meanings , or that identification with mainstream fiction film characters means unconditional surrender to bourgeois ideology .
4 Though such feelings are usually also involved in our intimate , affectionate relationships , they are not absolutely necessary to them .
5 Beginning with the distribution of medical practitioners , a PEP report in 1944 found that it was ‘ determined primarily by the income level or the rateable capacity of the locality ’ , and perceptively concluded that this disparity ‘ is even more serious than it appears … because ‘ under-doctored ’ districts are usually also poor districts with high rates of sickness and mortality ’ .
6 The difficulties associated with questionnaires are usually also applicable to rating scales .
7 In music , where there are still also patronal relations in commissioned works , there are still predominantly distributive post-artisanal relations in orchestral works and in traditional sheet music , while in popular music the second , productive post-artisanal phase has long been established , and there has been major movement into later phases of market relations .
8 Animals are often also hairy ( a fact adroitly exploited in Desmond Morris 's book The Naked Ape ) , so that unkempt locks suggest some connection with animalkind as opposed to humankind and thus , as Lévi-Strauss would argue , signify the contrast between nature and culture .
9 Rather than declaring nuclear-free zones or criticising Chile , French local politicians ( who are often also national politicians ) are judged very much on their performance at local level in delivering services .
10 It thus differs from most domestic banking markets and many domestic securities markets where savers , borrowers and intermediaries are typically also domestic .
11 There are now also dated mosaics from the Gloucester excavations of 1968-1973 ; from the excavations of the North Hill and Middleborough sites at Colchester ( appendix E ) ; and from further excavations in Verulamium , ( for example chose which brought to light the now famous Lion and Stag mosaic : pI .
12 The new Powerdisplay 16 and 19 are now also available on the deskside models .
13 The new Power display 16 and 19 are now also available on the deskside models .
14 Cost Del Mar , America 's No 1 polarised sunglasses are now also available in Europe .
15 Beyond the basics of walking and climbing , lessons are now also available on how to use an ice axe to halt a slide on ice and snow — a skill which has saved many lives in the past .
16 They are now also ubiquitous throughout computing .
17 It 's a pity they are n't also rich .
18 I ca n't believe that the vast majority of serious Munro baggers are n't also keen to explore Quinag , Suilven , Ben Loyal , Arran , etc. etc. , even if only in due course .
19 Here , in Mixed Life , he relates that individual experience of Christ in every man to the Christ who transcends individual limitations and is expressed by the whole body of those in whom he is born in time through their knowing and doing : It is precisely because of these " sundri wirchynges " in the lives of individuals dictated by their particular talents and circumstances that discussion of active and contemplative life tends to polarise life-styles which are then also subject to evaluation in which contemplation is more highly esteemed simply because it relates to a greater state of spiritual awareness .
20 In this work it is extraordinarily easy to produce ghost images and chimeras , like the canals on Mars , which may or may not be cracks , but even if Andrade 's patterns showed genuine surface cracks , which seems likely , this would not prove that there were not also internal cracks .
21 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
22 There were probably also sacrificial tables and statues of deities , like the clay goddess found at the sacred enclosure of Sachturia .
23 Although the using up of old stock may be one reason for this practice , watchcase-makers were probably also reluctant to use Britannia silver because it is a softer alloy than sterling .
24 He spent three afternoons a week , from Tuesday to Thursday , at Russell Square ; although he was still active as an editor , at least with the work of those authors who were now also old friends , age and reputation necessarily meant that he was now much more of a " figurehead " than once he was .
25 Added to the Ma'badong there were now also spontaneous explosions of Pa'gellu dancers , young girls dressed in green and gold and the most fashionable jewellery of the time — hollow Taiwanese watches , without their works , which some enterprising pirate had no doubt made a killing on .
26 By the mid-thirteenth century they were still the leading guild , although the drapers were now also important .
27 The League was controlled by the club chairmen , some of whom were undoubtedly also involved in making extra payments .
28 English churchmen , who must have been aware of these activities , were sometimes also familiar with the conditions which gave rise to them .
29 His sympathy with the antiauratic surrealists , his proclivity for finding aesthetic signifiers among the flotsam and jetsam of every-day life , his refusal to consider art as of another order of life , and his affirmation of the political nature of the aesthetic are again also integral to the postmodernist programme .
30 The survey is perhaps also significant for the total absence of any importance being placed on welfare law work .
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