Example sentences of "[be] [adv] that in " in BNC.

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1 Gaston and Mound are right that in taxonomy , as in science in general , the drive comes from individuals .
2 It is right that in the negotiations , which must remain confidential , they should seek to prevent us from going too far too soon .
3 If God had so wished , he most certainly could have created duplicate worlds ; it is only that in so doing God would have acted without a sufficient reason , and this would be contrary to his nature .
4 What matters is that a limitation has been set ; and now if a child brings out a gun , a knife , a rope ladder or even a box of matches you can check with the list and then either stay in role and say " You may have meant to bring that rope ladder , but it 's not here " , or come out of role and discuss the agreed rules of the drama , one of which is perhaps that in this drama there is no recourse to magic .
5 The most notable thing about the Rough Wooing is not that in the end the savagery of the English attack drove the Scots away from the new idea of friendship with England and back into the arms of their natural and ancient allies , the French .
6 It is not that in desperate circumstances we discover ourselves to be natural egoists and throw off moral restraints , it is rather that morality no longer applies .
7 It is just that in that particular situation he had to act as he did , and to have acted differently would have meant that he would have been in the wrong though not for the same reason .
8 ‘ The reason for this is just that in these matters custom makes us reason and judge so quickly , or rather we recall the judgments previously made about similar things ; and thus we fail to distinguish the difference between these operations and a simple sense perception ’ .
9 It is just that in Scotland it is far more obvious . ’
10 ‘ It 's just that in life we believe in doing what you want to do .
11 It 's just that in these times … ’
12 The position in England and Wales is now that in all areas there are two levels of administration , the county and district authority .
13 The point is simply that in all positions , other than the two attributive ones , the entity has already been identified before the adjective is brought into direct or indirect constructional contact with it .
14 In England for example , unemployment in the North is twice that in the South-East , and in most European countries there are lesser employment opportunities in rural areas as opposed to urban areas resulting in depopulation of the countryside and an increase in the size of cities .
15 The difference between the monotonous beat of pop music and the rhythmical architecture of a great symphony is precisely that in classical music the primitive reaction is delayed and denied for a more varied satisfaction .
16 It was just that in camp the link between sex and behaviour was often cruder and more obvious than in ordinary life .
17 It was just that in the intervening period she had changed her thinking a little .
18 It was just that in the end would have been so far the other side of six weeks as to be out of sight , and she could n't stand any more writs , summonses or legal documents in long brown envelopes .
19 After all , just look round any bar and you 'll see that everybody there , myself included ( you too if it 's your kind of bar ) , has in their time been both The Boy and The Older Man , both Banker and Domestic , Ingenue and Other Woman , booted Prince and stirrup-holding Groom — but I do n't mean either that you should have complete license to make him look just how you wish ; I do n't want to think of anyone hearing this story and grinning and thinking of Boy as some permanently , conveniently smiling blue-eyed blonde , because he was not that in any way and that is not what he meant to us .
20 It was here that in 1846 a revised version of Catherine 's largely unsuccessful Charter to the Towns ( 1785 ) created the first urban institutions capable of significantly improving local amenities .
21 it was there that in 1973 the first taekwondo world championships took place .
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