Example sentences of "[be] [adv] and the " in BNC.

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1 Large chunks of the course are downhill and the course record is held by Luton 's Neil Tennant at 1:02:39 , set in 1988 .
2 In Baroness Lemberg 's creepily ornate fortune-telling parlor the lights are on and the baroness ( Miss Page ) is supposedly tuned in to the truth .
3 Also , the pressure on interest rates has been down and the balance of trade has shifted into surplus .
4 I 'd been in and the east fields at .
5 But he had not been in and the note was as she had left it .
6 But as Ivan Nagy says , ‘ The barriers are down and the world is becoming — in a civilised way — polluted with Russian dancers , and the myth will tone down .
7 Rather the objectives/skills analysis curriculum actually teaches dependence , in that it does not teach the children to challenge the system they are in and the places they will graduate to .
8 For example , when the forty days of mourning a death are over and the women in the family who have foregone food or combing their hair can start a normal life again , it is their female friends and sisters who cook for them and comb and oil their hair .
9 It possesses no clear Coda , no signal that the events of the narrative are over and the narrator is , so to speak , giving up the floor .
10 The lists are outside and the the venues , and please take the opportunity during the lunch-break to make contact with your , to make contact with your Chair of Electoral Colleges , your Chairs , er , especially those perhaps , who are new members , the Chairs on their name-tag have a red star , and I think you will all know from the resolution this morning , who are the new Chairs , if they , if they have changed .
11 The London dealers have just been through and the carefully arranged display is now a scene of devastation .
12 If you have been away and the grass is long , just tip the grass in the first mowing , and lower the subsequent cuts gradually .
13 In reality , they are not and the camera is lying .
14 Never went out till Friday because it was , they went walking but it was so windy cos they 're here and the garden 's sort of down to a field and then it 's all fields and fields and fields and the wind just comes across like gales all the time .
15 Oh yes , oh yes much as they are now and the big horse we used to call them the big horses you know and er shows and that , all , they used to , Willenhall Wakes used to be fine really good , and er that was down in the Lane somewhere there .
16 According to social services and health chiefs in the north-west , Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit are out and The X Factor is now flavour of the day .
17 She had been out and the mother left alone and ill , all morning .
18 The outputs , Q and , should have opposite states that is one l.e.d. will be on and the other one off .
19 Why should this be so and the rational processes just described not take prominence ?
20 This was , in fact , found to be so and the results were interpreted to show that short term memory decayed after about 20 seconds .
21 did a big wash the other day so they 're all ready wo wo n't be long and the clothes she 's wearing now are nought to three months .
22 Conversely , if the main wheel is behind the c.g. , the directional stability will be less and the rudder more effective .
23 The sense of personal ownership would be less and the risk of letting go of one 's book and reducing one 's own access would not exist .
24 That 's the only way the pressure would be down and the leak with water you know , it had to be a water leak .
25 This is a very attractive position to be in and the firm would begin to expand very quickly , using more and more investment capital .
26 A balance between the things of this world and those of the next is represented in the scales to which the eyes are directed , an interpretation that was once confirmed by a quotation from Leviticus 19:36 inscribed on the frame : ‘ Let the balance be just and the weights equal ’ .
27 It 's not that though , er , I mean I 've worked with a mental handicap and , it gets to the stage whe like you say though I 'm not just touching you , I 'm just And the strength they 've got , you 're their strength .
28 But a case which is of enormous embarrassment to sport may not yet be over and the International Amateur Athletic Federation might not regard the matter as closed .
29 The difficulty lies in the fact that the edges are blurred and no one is sure just when youth may be said to be past and the second stage of adult life begun .
30 Therefore i if we , if he done that then that paragraph would seem to be slightly and the second point was really to ask if there was any further update on the progress in terms of negotiations in Surrey and East Sussex er in terms of this erm particular by-pass and I know that Mr in particular has been concerned with negotiations and Mrs also erm Mrs is not here therefore as Mr could advise me for us o of where we 're at really , so that we fully understand because obviously the the line of the by-pass is very important so far as any further development is is concerned .
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