Example sentences of "[be] [conj] most of " in BNC.

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1 If you intend to fight a missile duel , the chances are that most of your highly mobile force will attract a disproportionate amount of your enemy 's firepower and will die the death .
2 His/her only consolation may be that most of his/her friends will soon be those who are failing at about the same level as he/she is .
3 Yes , that 's right , I mean it 's that most of you , most of you can , most of you can arrive at work in the morning and if somebody says what the traffic 's like you would n't know , because you do n't know how you got there .
4 ‘ The thing is that most of us were good friends , many of us still are .
5 The tragedy is that most of the transmissions from Astra are in the old-fashioned PAL TV system , with analogue sound .
6 The problem is that most of us are so busy rushing around that we fail to become aware of those feelings and to consider what they might be telling us .
7 Part of the reason for this increase is that most of the motorway network was built during the 1960s and that , as the roads have got older , so they need more spent on them .
8 RAILWAYS : British Rail 's problem is that most of its structures were built in the last century .
9 ‘ The difficulty for so many people in towns is that most of the information about the countryside is in the country .
10 One of our problems is that most of us live in towns .
11 This leads to the inevitable question ‘ Where does it all go to ? ’ and the simple answer is that most of it goes to several firms specialising in BOB ( Buyer 's Own Brand : ie , supermarket brands etc . )
12 The truth is that most of us eat ( and drink ) more calories than we think we are eating ( and drinking ) in the course of a day .
13 A common denominator both of these critiques and of positivism and natural law theories , is that most of them speak about the law — even if this is seen to have many facets .
14 The problem is that most of the things that sociologists are interested in are abstract .
15 The result is that most of the great palaces are only partly restored , the parks only just beginning to take shape again .
16 Its chief problem is that most of Cambodia 's leading political actors seem to have an interest in continuing conflict .
17 One of Europe 's peculiarities is that most of its nations fall quite neatly into one of three categories , in terms of population and political-economic importance .
18 One of the reasons why English is , perhaps , not a straightforwardly ‘ feminine ’ subject is that most of its teachers in higher education are men , and most of the authors and critics studied are also men .
19 The problem with sub-£10 champagne is that most of it does n't taste very good .
20 A reasonable assumption to make on the basis of the instructions given to registrars before 1986 , therefore , is that most of the deaths of children classified as unoccupied will have been registered by economically inactive lone mothers .
21 What is not clearly stated in the text but is easily deduced from the tables is that most of the proposed ‘ preventive ’ measures in these 39 cases/ 1000 are not really preventive at all but , rather , treatments carried out after birth : 15.7 are neonatal surgical procedures for congenital heart defects , pyloric stenosis , and inguinal hernia ; 15.4 are standard orthopaedic procedures for congenital hip dislocation and club foot ; and 1.8 are postnatal treatments for a variety of other conditions .
22 Part of the problem is that most of us do n't know very much about mental illness and we tend to see very negative images around us and on television .
23 One incidental problem often faced with PageMaker is that most of the final editing gets done ‘ on the page ’ .
24 Probably the most decisive argument for the free personal social services is that most of their recipients are already so poor that charges bring little revenue .
25 The sad thing is that most of us have never considered the humble potato as a precious gift from nature — so how about a run down of its amazing , exotic origins on the back of crisp packets ?
26 The only mercy is that most of them are put out of their misery before they 've lived a tenth of their natural lifespan .
27 ‘ However , the fact is that most of the work is being done in-house using existing resources .
28 One thing which has struck me very forcibly through the years is that most of the classic evolutionary lineages of my student days , such as Ostrea-Gryphaea and Zaphrentis delanouei , have long since lost their scientific respectability , and in spite of the plethora of palaeontological information we now have available , there seems to be very little to put in their place .
29 One reason for that is that most of the thousands of people who travel on those wretched trains to come to London to work are either unskilled or semi-skilled , to use the terms of the manufacturing industry .
30 A particular advantage of studying in Scotland is that most of its universities are within convenient travelling distance of each other , so that it is easy to extend the range of academic contacts to include other Scottish Universities .
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