Example sentences of "[be] [conj] you have " in BNC.

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1 May I start by saying how pleased I am that you have recognised Michael Buerk , Alistair Cooke and the Today programme team .
2 The chances are that you have n't and that 's where The Photographer 's Studio Manual comes in .
3 IF you are a celebrity of some kind then the odds are that you have been asked to endorse a product of some kind .
4 The differences are that you have a feminist movement in Europe for example , which you can classify or they classify themselves , in terms of the origination of the politics Liberal , Radical , Marxist , Socialist and this is what happened in Europe .
5 The advantages of friendship are that you have someone who can help you in any difficulties , you can have fun together and share the same experiences .
6 Or it might be that you have to learn to give yourself credit for what you are able to achieve .
7 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
8 July is a significant month for your future , and with Uranus and Neptune involved it may be that you have to put your trust in the universe rather than try to control events .
9 WITH Saturn influencing your base in life , it may be that you have not felt out-and-out joy regarding the home itself or your relationship with one or two members of the family for some considerable time .
10 If they do n't , it may be that you have some yarn caught around these cogs .
11 At some point it might be that you have to accept that things are not going to be as you 'd hoped .
12 It ca n't be that you have no principles .
13 It may be that you have chosen a difficult argument to support or defend .
14 It may be that you have a form of postnatal depression that needs treatment .
15 It could well be that you have agoraphobia or some kind of depression .
16 Can it be that you have no idea of the power a young , nubile girl can exercise over a young , impressionable male ? ’
17 If you find that you have difficulty in cutting down on your intake , consult your doctor — it may be that you have become alcohol-dependent and are in need of special help to stop the problem developing into full-blown alcoholism .
18 It may be that you have an Ordnance Survey plan in your office that you can work with the seller in order to produce an accurate plan , at least one for identification purposes only .
19 it may be that you have to stay away .
20 It may well be that you do n't actually do that , it may be that you have one to one meetings with people or group meetings er which could be when you have to put across your point of view .
21 The idea seems to be that you have tacitly accepted the protection of the laws and thereby you have tacitly undertaken to obey them .
22 Similarly , some goods are unaccounted for and it may be that you have sales items but are not shown on our list , ( including publications ) .
23 You will probably never realise how useful a bench sander can be until you have tried one .
24 ‘ I think , ’ said Radulfus , ‘ we should wait , and let be until you have viewed the place by daylight , and the unfortunate soul is known .
25 Matza ( 1964 ) , whose ‘ soft determinist ’ position approximates the one under consideration , shows how arbitrary the answer to this question can be — in his case it seems to be when you have finished reading his book !
26 ‘ You will be when you have finished the drink .
27 It may well be that you do n't actually do that , it may be that you have one to one meetings with people or group meetings er which could be when you have to put across your point of view .
28 The value of having such materials in brief and physically separate forms is that it is easier to manipulate ideas while they are still in note form than it is once you have written them out in prose .
29 I think the main ingredient for success is that you have to have a good sense of timing .
30 Another sense in which you 're anti-humanist is that you have no truck with ideas of personal ( or social ) progress — people achieving self-sufficiency and fullness of being by becoming more ‘ conscious ’ .
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