Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] this " in BNC.

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1 The month-old ‘ final offensive ’ has been most successful this year because a split that erupted last August among rebel ranks has not yet been patched up in the face of Khartoum 's assaults .
2 I think I should start by stressing the process through which we have gone in order to prepare this report has been somewhat different this year from that which we followed in the past and
3 The autumn colours are especially lovely this year .
4 ‘ I am extremely concerned this is to be based on the Government 's own estimate of how much each council should spend the Standard Spending Assessment .
5 I am terribly sorry this should have happened and I sincerely hope that we hear from them .
6 Just why such people are so sure this wing of the party will be in charge is hard to understand .
7 First , customs have been extremely successful this year with record seizures of Ecstasy .
8 But that was only because she had eaten nothing since last night and had been so furious this morning about her father 's gall in writing that damnably cheerful letter .
9 All she could see was Felipe 's face , his dark eyes , the laughter that had been so ready this morning .
10 So if I trail the classes in this way it 's not gon na do any harm I do n't think because the class presentations and the class discussions in general have been so excellent this year .
11 ‘ Our hotel is 2 minutes walk from a nightclub called the Glass Bucket — I am not sure this is a v. good idea .
12 But I am not ignorant this time , ’ she added , determination hardening her voice .
13 I am just grateful this injury was not as bad as first feared . ’
14 However , many yields of chemical reactions are not quantitative This is particularly the case with Organic chemical reactions .
15 RADIO listeners in Essex are again being asked to ensure that under-privileged children are not eggless this Easter .
16 I think the problem is that if you 're not careful this will leave the counterproductive erm , somebody said well I do n't mind paying two fifty or three quid so what you 'd gain on the seats you 'd lose on the side .
17 We 've been through the records and we 're pretty sure this is the first time we have had a Prime Minister here .
18 come on we 're pretty quiet this side go on
19 We 're very sorry this has happened .
20 Well first of all I want to thank you John for your programme , we really have enjoyed it and we 're very sorry this is your last day .
21 You 're very quiet this afternoon .
22 ‘ I 'll look in tomorrow if I may — I know you 're very busy this evening .
23 He had seldom been more powerful this close to a change .
24 As the lakes in the district are usually linear this technique was most useful in foreshortening a long lake and so forming a more round midground subject .
25 Settling down to approach the problem in an organized fashion , alone or with someone else , will help you reassess your own attitude and if you are more positive this will come over in your applications .
26 It is worth noting that there are not a few cases where constructions containing postverbal adjectives are equivalent to different structures having the same subject and the same adjectival and verbal properties , but with the former now in ordinary predicative position and the latter replaced by an adverb : ( 61 ) Mario seemed regretful Mario was apparently regretful ( 62 ) the sharks remain dangerous the sharks are still dangerous This is exactly what could have been expected , given structure ( 47 ) .
27 The hon. Gentleman has been exceptionally churlish this afternoon .
28 European Community telecommunications ministers yesterday agreed the legislation intended to ensure that voice telephone services are provided in an open and efficient way across the Community , Reuter reports from Brussels : the legislation , which must be reviewed by the European Parliament before it becomes final , would improve access of users to public telephone networks and impose rules or objectives in areas such as prices , contracts and billing ; it would establish the principle that prices are based on cost , rather than cross-subsidy — in many countries , long distance calls subsidise local calls ; France won agreement on changes that would enable tariffs to be adjusted to ensure ‘ cohesion ’ within a state — in order to cover things like service to remote areas ; the ministers are also due this week to debate the controversial plans to liberalise the telecommunications market by 1998 .
29 so you just wan na revisit it and say oh I 'm sure you found this document has been really useful this evening and out of those five areas we discussed , you might wan na consolidate it a bit , which was the one that excited you the most and that 's your retirement savings you know
30 It 's been really frantic this summer .
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