Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 What I would like is for all the Councillors to look at this , to advise me which other seats they think are indeed the responsibility of and then I 'll go back and go to battle but er I 'd like everybody 's views on which ones they believe they are so that I can do it firmly .
2 ‘ She was a dream I held dear , but ‘ t is the woman you are now that I love — sweet and true and courageous . ’
3 Yeah but my ones , my platforms are out that I 've got .
4 It must have been then that I was blown up by the land-mine , which may well have knocked out Private Prescott as well . ’
5 ‘ It is since that I studied it , ’ said Greg .
6 It 's mostly that I ca n't sleep . ’
7 Rates of CTT chargeable on the coming to an end of an interest in possession during the lifetime of the beneficiary On a separate matter , it is right that I should inform the Committee , for the avoidance of doubt , that the lower rates of CTT announced by the Chief Secretary on 5th February which would apply to transfers of value occurring during the lifetime of the transferor will also apply where an interest in possession comes to an end during the lifetime of the person beneficially entitled to that interest .
8 It 's only that I can not stand possessiveness , it diminishes people . ’
9 I hope you do n't mind my telling you , it 's only that I thought you ought to know . ’
10 ‘ It 's only that I think , maybe , that it 's more the vice of America — no , not vice , I do n't think , but difficulty — to be moralistic in politics .
11 ‘ Oh , it 's only that I feel I 've been wasting my life !
12 " I hate to cut you short , " said Richard from the hatch , " it 's only that I can hardly expect my staff to be in time if I 'm late myself . "
13 It 's only that I have n't been able to get to the bank , being ill and all that , and I have n't got any money for the rent .
14 It 's only that I 'm sharing text books with the others
15 ‘ It 's been said that I am a much improved player this season ’ , Hamilton says , ‘ but I believe that the difference is merely that I am that much more confident .
16 What is incontrovertible is only that I had it , not that it was caused by anything ‘ out there ’ beyond my experience .
17 It is only that I feel I may make a new friend and be rewarded with company .
18 ‘ It is only that I have never been proposed to so abruptly , so boldly before . ’
19 It is only that I live in Dresden and that I fight like this that keeps me sane .
20 And the boatman said : ‘ Tell me which boat it is so that I will know which boat not to look under . ’
21 I want , I want to know where the drill is so that I can use
22 It 's so that I ca n't see his face , Merrill thought .
23 No , though these are my gloves , it 's so that I do n't get perspiration on the , on the dress , yes , or rings or anything , so
24 But before I can do that I need to establish something even more basic : what it is exactly that I am inquiring into .
25 It is thus that I arrive at my multiplier for the whole life of eighteen .
26 It is not that I wore sleeveless blouses they were always long sleeved and not Choli 's either but even then they disliked it .
27 ‘ It is not that I am in favour of it , it is what is happening .
28 It is not that I am heartless .
29 as if reading her thoughts , Mrs Browning then said , ‘ It is not that I am afraid of dying , you know .
30 My Dear Boy , my greatest fear is not that I shall never again touch you , but that when I return I shall no longer be able to hear your voice .
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