Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 Indeed West German satellite companies are so stong that one bought exclusive German rights to Wimbledon this year , just as a similar Swedish company did there , each denying the traditional terrestrial stations access .
2 ‘ There has been much talk that Rangers have the title sewn up but we still have 58 points to play for and that makes it ludicrously premature to suggest that the destination of the title is cut and dried , ’ said Brady .
3 Right so you 're only ask that you did n't underline and that your illustrations could be better as well and the handwriting is a bit spidery , right , good , brave , right , go on
4 ‘ You and Eddie , well , you 're both proof that miracles happen !
5 There s now hope that after three years in jail , Poole and Mills will once again get a chance to defend themselves , in court .
6 Nor can there be much doubt that the experience is more painful for the men than the duped women .
7 Nor can there be much doubt that when they were in residence at Woodstock these supplies were called upon , and were carried in carts along the wide green track now called Dornford Lane .
8 1815 " The Meeting concieving it to be highly usefull that the Road from Portaskaig should be rendered complete , do willingly Stent themselves in the sum here stated . "
9 'Cos this could be just stuff that we 're just buying in ?
10 ‘ But I 'm just content that things have been going pretty well on the field so far .
11 and I 'm certainly show that few of us have grown any wiser in the intervening decade .
12 We should make our being so open that it is like one of the old free cities — open to all eyes .
13 You were quite adamanat that you would do it — ’
14 The rat experiments that we have been considering suggest that the interference theory is more accurate .
15 It 's little wonder that the naturally shy Morrissey often seeks to retreat .
16 Gerald has been known to coin such memorable one-liners as the following : ‘ If the joy of the Lord is our strength , it 's little wonder that the church in Britain has been so weak and ineffective ’ ; ‘ There 's no virtue in being ten or twenty years behind the times ’ ; ‘ Most Christians are nicer than God himself ’ ; ‘ It is the unshared areas of our lives where Jesus is not Lord ’ ; ‘ One of the reasons the church in Britain has failed to grow is quite simply because it is full of people who are extremely rude ’ ; ‘ Putting the life of God into institutional Christianity is rather like putting the life of a human being into a kangaroo … . ’ 'You are only a leader if someone 's following you' ( Gerald Quotes ) .
17 It 's little wonder that this month Patrick Eggle guitars occupy two of the top ten slots in the British guitar sales league .
18 Add to that the dreadfully long hours that doctors and nurses have to work — sometimes 16-18 hour shifts — and it 's little wonder that mistakes are made .
19 It 's little wonder that the fax machine is so popular and that dial-up E-mail is such a rare species .
20 It is optimistically forecast that women will become freer from household burdens as a result of these technological innovations .
21 Away to the west towards Memo , Lieutenant D. St. A. Dexter , supported by Turton , blocked the enemy 's eastward push that had overrun Dutch positions , but with the difficult hill country between them and Mape , they were unlikely to link up with the other columns .
22 It is not fear that impedes us , but how we handle our fears .
23 All the same , solitary bucks — if they can find no existing holes to make use of — will sometimes scratch out short tunnels for shelter , although it is not work that they tackle at all seriously .
24 It is not anger that causes violence , but the attempt to block it !
25 Then again , if it is not love that puts a bit of sparkle in your life , it will be some other form of much sought after success or happiness .
26 That is not say that those whom it is hoped to benefit are in any sense undemanding or unsophisticated .
27 It is not wonder that Mr Chatrier seems ready to throw up his hands in despair .
28 ‘ It is not meet that every nice offence should bear its comment ’ , DC 57 .
29 Yeah , I would like to do is just mention that it 's so surprising really that er the resources used are out of all proportion to what we used to er do on it , on the other central panel .
30 ‘ I think you 'll find it 's not hate that makes you react as you do , Shannon .
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