Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Even John Stuart Mill who , as one would expect , greatly admired Socrates , describing him in On Liberty , rather extravagantly , as " the head and prototype of all subsequent teachers of virtue " and " the acknowledged master of all the eminent thinkers who have since lived , " was moved to protest at this probably misplaced generosity : " The Athenian Many , of whose irritability and suspicion we hear so much , are rather to be accused of too easy and good-natured a confidence , when we reflect that they had living in the midst of them the very men who , on the first show of an opportunity , were ready to compass the subversion of the democracy . "
2 But if this is a mistake and animals are properly to be understood as primitive beings , at least as different from us as they are similar , then their modest entitlement to humane treatment , accorded them by common sense and enshrined in the law , might well be vindicated .
3 Not only does it ignore the sense in which suffering can be unwitting but it also begs the question in favour of saying , when specific symptoms like struggling or urination occur in animals , that these are properly to be seen as , emotional responses ' ( which covertly elicits our sympathy for the conscious distress of the stricken human parent rather than the symptoms of it observed in the struggling , yet unaware , athlete ) .
4 If , however , Morgan v. Palmer and Steele v. Williams are properly to be regarded as cases of extortion colore officii the same must be true of Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , which followed them .
5 ( b ) I do not accept that quasi-contractual claims , even where a contract is involved , are properly to be treated as falling per se within article 5(1) , having regard both to the general considerations I have already advanced in my analysis of the cases such as Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and also because it is difficult to locate a place of performance for a quasi-contractual obligation .
6 Whether Josquin and his fellow Northerners active in Italy are properly to be regarded as ‘ Renaissance ’ figures , a question that he ponders at some length , is at bottom a non-issue .
7 Occasionally sacks can be obtained with a ‘ zip-off ’ front pocket which can be converted to a day sack , although these are mostly to be found on convertible sacks used as travel luggage .
8 Alternative traditions to the analytic one are mostly to be found in Continental Europe ( and in some North American universities ) .
9 The married women are rarely to be seen outside .
10 We will try to impart suggestions , tips and hints that we have found useful , but which , if ever , are rarely to be found in books .
11 I am luckily to be hear to write after the bombing of our works I have not had a chance to explain or to see the person who is in charge of this case …
12 For the Christian , it is natural that God should become a person at the Incarnation rather than a dog or a stone , not necessarily because persons are somehow more technically advanced on a scale of being , but because they display the qualities that are most to be valued .
13 I liked his gentle , unimpeded sense of flow in the opening Andante dolce ( his slightly brisker tempo does n't quite achieve the same buoyancy as Richter ) , and his finely controlled phrasing and subtle ‘ nodal-pointing ’ are much to be admired also .
14 Their energies and enthusiasm are greatly to be admired .
15 In those circumstances , my right hon. Friend 's proposals are greatly to be welcomed , to ensure that Tamils who are genuine and need asylum can be properly considered .
16 Perhaps we should blame the English for this , because it started to be built early in the thirteenth century , when Bayonne was ours , and the English royal arms of the day are apparently to be found , alongside those of France , emblazoned on some of the keystones of the very high vaulting in the nave .
17 It also does not correspond to the fundamental assumptions on which the new security systems should be based , for essential elements which would guarantee security are apparently to be excluded .
18 The extreme heteromorphs are perhaps to be found in the genus Nipponites , which looks like a tangle of whorls where any obvious semblance of symmetrical coiling seems to have been lost ( see left ) , and Baculites which is virtually straight after its earliest whorls .
19 More useful comparisons than those made in Table 4.4 are perhaps to be made by means of subgroup analysis , even though with this method one is necessarily handling very small numbers .
20 Since 1967 some local fluctuations have occurred , but such changes are perhaps to be expected .
21 In most fields the nineteenth century was the age of the textbook , such as Thomas Thomson 's in chemistry and Lyell 's in geology , where successive editions made the earlier ones obsolete ; the plates that survive usefully are perhaps to be compared to the very few classic books like the Origin of Species which go on selling .
22 Given the arguments of the sceptics , such failures are only to be expected of course ; aiming to replace anxious intellectual despair with a calm peace of mind , the traditional Pyrrhonian response would have been to advocate suspension of judgement .
23 Private schools , however , are only to be found in the urban areas , which further lessens the chances of secondary schooling for rural children .
24 Some species , usually the larger , more aggressive ones , are only to be found in very small numbers .
25 In daylight they are only to be seen from ships at sea , when the two smaller petrels appear all dark birds with white rumps as they flutter and dance across the waves .
26 … they meant well — they felt kindly towards him , and acknowledged his provocations ; but they fell into the too common error of supposing that the finer feelings , which induce a man to prefer death to dishonour , are only to be recognised among the higher classes ; and that , because circumstances may have placed a man before the mast , he will undergo punishment , however severe , however degrading … in preference to death .
27 On the other hand , a concept such as ‘ bureaucracy ’ is a particular one , for bureaucracies are only to be found in particular sons of societies .
28 The concept of social representations is also used in a particular way , in order to suggest that social representations are only to be found in certain societies .
29 It then assumes a parliamentary intention that the steps which Parliament has enjoined or authorized for saving or minimizing tax shall not be effective if they are carried out for that purpose but are only to be effective if carried out for some other ‘ legitimate ’ business purpose .
30 There is no point in having to wait weeks for the concrete scaffolders , nor is there any point in having the site cluttered with pipes that are only to be needed later .
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