Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The British picture is different ; rapes , robbery and assault are predominantly intra-racial as far as can be analysed , except for racial attacks on blacks .
2 And my leg 's never been properly better since .
3 Black gets it into the box Rozario got a header in but even as he headed the ball he limped away again and if he 'd have been properly fit then he would have really powered that one in .
4 We are rather living apart now , some down South
5 We erm , we have some photographs of w which are rather horrendous actually , of R T As .
6 The reason seems to be that men and machines are fundamentally complementary rather than comparable , this point was originally made by Jordan ( 1963 ) .
7 ‘ It does n't seem to bother you that it has n't been altogether successful so far . ’
8 Two specimens of the same species , we normally assume , are numerically distinguishable even if they are qualitatively completely alike .
9 Such systems are effective as conservation strategies and are economically successful elsewhere in Jamaica .
10 The overlay process has been most reliable here .
11 In fact you 've been downright unbearable ever since we finished your articles for the journal . ’
12 Educational policies are generally arrived at through painstaking research into past and present practices , yet policies which ultimately dictate the future are rarely radical enough to reflect all the detail and ramifications of this research .
13 A stuff sack should be used to carry your bag in a rucksack , but stuff sacks are rarely waterproof so always put the whole lot inside a polythene bag .
14 These skirmishes are rarely any more than two males approaching each other and lowering their heads until they are pointing head down in a vertical position .
15 Consequently , there are rarely any really diagnostic ceramic or metal artefacts that can provide any clue as to their age .
16 These faults are rarely detectable so , in turn , the individual kite-maker benefits through being able to purchase quality material in small quantities from the kite shop .
17 ‘ The omens have been rather strong today , ’ he said .
18 In order to help rationalise computer support activities , which have been rather overloaded recently , staff are asked to observe the following procedures .
19 Conditions are jolly hot there , and they 're going to have to get used to that quite quickly , the big thing is to get them through and out into the desert as quickly as possible .
20 Things are little better here , and it is n't only record sales which have been affected .
21 In Poland , Hungary and Czechoslovakia former enemies who by rights should , and quite probably do , detest each other are vigorously horse-trading today .
22 I looked forward to the visit not only because visitors from Lord Darlington 's days are most rare now — Mr Farraday 's circle , naturally , being quite different from his lordship 's — but also because I presumed Mr Graham would accompany Sir James as of old , and I would thus be able to get his opinion on this question of bantering .
23 Omissions are most patent perhaps in surveys made with a political bias .
24 Your actions are most likely then to be remedial .
25 Those whose actions are most likely directly to involve human suffering or even death may hesitate to use their whole industrial and political muscle for fear of the adverse reaction of public opinion and decision-makers should their action be the cause of some tragedy , such as death .
26 Not all people who recurrently diet or who are excessively thin are necessarily anorexic just as not all people who drink regularly or excessively are necessarily alcoholic .
27 If your father 's reputation were the beginning and the end of the matter , I might have been less intransigent all along .
28 Had he been less conscientious then he might be still alive today ’ .
29 He should have been less intimidating now he was seated , but she still felt uneasy , and she was annoyed with herself for showing any weakness , but she could n't help the quiver in her voice , the tears that pricked behind her eyes .
30 She had never been less communicative either in speech or in manner and it was remarked on by Mrs Browning with curiosity .
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