Example sentences of "[be] [pron] be [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 There we are there 's no-one in there .
2 Can I just sort of say I 'm I 'm somebody working on a team er , that deals with eating disorders .
3 Must be there 's something wrong somewhere .
4 If he 'd been going to hang up on me , something made him change his mind and could be it was something I said .
5 So if a piston ring breaks , then the chances are it 's somebody 's negligence along the way and it 's not a fault in the or mechanical breakdown .
6 The chances are it was something like four to six weeks , if they could take the time off from household chores .
7 Well the plain fact of the matter was Chairman there were there were none to quote to him and erm we see the the structure plan Policy E two er as fulfilling a bridging role between national policy and the more specific guidance which would necessarily be contained in local plans .
8 Talking of which , Neighbours ' twins Gillian and Gayle Blakeney ( pictured above , although which is which is anyone 's guess ) in Liverpool to prepare for this year 's Empire panto , Dick Whittington , say they hope to have a single cut by Christmas .
9 Yeah , the thing is though , the daft thing is there is nothing small up there
10 She observes that the frequent indictments of theatre for encouraging sodomy are symptomatic of the anti-theatricalists ’ fear that gender difference is ever under threat of breakdown and , more generally , their fear that ‘ under the costume there is really nothing there or , alternatively , that what is there is something foreign , something terrifying and essentially other ’ ( ‘ Men in Women 's Clothing ’ , 135 ; see also Chapter 17 below ) .
11 ah Chris , it does n't matter as long as I get , I just this is there 's nothing on those tapes by the way
12 Mm , but what I ca n't weigh up is there 's nothing wrong together in the first place
13 the reason I stated that is there 's plenty of football grounds that are known as fields .
14 Kids are gon na be role playing there , and think , there 's there 's somebody else wants to jump in , you know , and then , because
15 Well yes yes there 's there 's something infallible in i i i
16 That 's there 's something wrong .
17 but there 's there 's something I did n't tell you the other day
18 There 's there 's one in there .
19 Not that you well you may not be interested in that but y'know it 's there 's plenty of variety as it were yeah
20 Well let me just say quickly we 're being recorded there 's there 's someone er who 's got ta er a project organisation by the Oxford University Press who 's interested in our spoken word
21 So there 's there 's lots of reasons to illustrate the point then and another thing of course it does is if it 's one you use on here it helps you remember you do n't have to have that written down because it 's there already produced if it 's a pre-prepared acetate as we call as we call it .
22 So you do n't mind the game it 's it 's everything that goes with it ?
23 I do n't know how you do sludge and that there and it 's it 's everything it 's a con you know we ought to have kept some and shown you because it is it is I 've never seen anything like it myself .
24 It 's it 's something that 's better than nothing
25 and it 's it 's something about the shame around depression that we do n't actually come forward for counselling and there 's certainly not enough free counselling services in Scotland .
26 Yeah , it 's erm it 's not one nine two , it 's it 's something different .
27 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
28 Aye well we 've all spoken about it before and I mean yo When we were in hospital we spoke together about it and er obviously it 's it 's it 's something you that wo n't really be able to tell unless you give it try .
29 It 's it 's something I 've obviously thought a lot about .
30 Yes , so it 's it 's something where you 've got to try and influence somebody to change to a new way of doing it .
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