Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 People like Niall , like Michael Morrissey , who do know what it is like to be poor and shat on , the bottom of the whole U.K. heap , they know I 'm nothing when they set eyes on me .
2 The new arrivals are steered into jobs , usually pretty menial , and told , under threat , to start repaying the huge debt that they contracted under the misapprehension that instant wealth would be theirs once they arrived .
3 Happiness can only be theirs if they honour that gift .
4 Privately Captain Simcox hoped the IRA would be a match for the Tans — well , perhaps that was expecting too much — but it would be something if they could put some manners on them and give them a bloody nose now and again .
5 Oh I think it 'd be nice to have a video , because like , when Rebecca gets older erm cos I personally , my own feelings are that we might get Charles as King , but after Charles there wo n't be anything cos they 'll do away with them .
6 Where were you when they put a man on the moon ? ’
7 How old were they when they did run away ?
8 God says it is theirs whether they want it or not .
9 Cos I mean that 's something because they 're at work they build up with
10 Well I , I can see it 's him when they 're
11 Yeah that 's it cos they 're all over here
12 How long is it since they were taught to sign ? ’
13 Is it where they should be !
14 Is it cos they 're lazy , often think it 's cos they 're lazy do n't they ?
15 Is it because they take in a smaller quantity of vapour or tablet dust ? and how far does the vial have to be from the nose before the dose is inactive ?
16 Is it to stop the rain spoiling their designer hairstyles or is it because they may get damp and catch the sniffles ?
17 Is their failure to remember dreams on waking up in the morning because they " really " do n't dream , or is it because they fail to remember them ?
18 But is it because they left it too late or something then ?
19 Is it because they were out of work or what ?
20 But is it because they are like him ?
21 Or is it because they do not actually know what goes on at field sport events such as shooting ?
22 Yeah , they 're amusing and those sort of things and obviously they 're deliberately wrong , but have a look and see why , what is it because they do contain errors that are commonly made day after day in courts .
23 Is it because they care for the future of English soccer ?
24 Is it because they want to see an England team that attacks like the Brazilians and absorbs pressure like the Germans ?
25 Is it because they seem to package their major sporting events in a more professional manner ?
26 Is it because they 're going to incorporate a lot of high tech treatments ?
27 ‘ Very well , ’ sighed Isabel , obeying only because she knew they had to find shelter , and there was none where they stood .
28 The young men of my own age twirling their canes , pushing into one another sideways , tilting one another 's hats , made me angry — was it because they at least had achieved contentment , and I only contempt ?
29 that they they were n't as s solid as the older men let's say or was it because they had n't
30 Nineteen eighteen was it when they finished I think , yes .
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