Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When your parents die , it 's a bit like having a baby — there 's the element of wondering why people who 've been through it did n't tell you what it was really like .
2 ‘ The ideal thing would have been for them to keep to their offer of a two-year deal and I would have signed it before the final .
3 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
4 He had seen how entirely wrong it had been for him to have assumed that Beatrice Throgmorton would look twice at him .
5 It 's not been for us to tell people what they should or should n't eat or do anything with , because the , in , in one respect that 's a nann nannying attitude from er , whether it 's the legislators saying we 're not going to approve the right legislation so that you have that information , but on the other hand by manufacturers and others saying you trust us .
6 There is no mention anywhere of the fact that these were brothers and sisters , nor that they were born in Frome ; that has been for us to establish later .
7 It may well be a ‘ parody ’ : the eight songs attributable to Bedyngham are between them supplied with no fewer than twenty-six different texts in four languages ; three remain doubtful as to their form , but two are ballades and three rondeaux , forms well known and widely practised in England at the time .
8 those boxes of crackers are about I think they 're about fifteen pound a box and the three
9 Although she was reasonably sure that Harry was still in love with her , she was concerned at all the talk there had been about him marrying the American girl .
10 Well that 's why she has n't been about you see .
11 Er which is the case unfortunately in er some instances with animals , but it 's been as you know perhaps at the R S P C A shelter just down the road there at er , but it 's gone now to a happy home in Derbyshire .
12 Mr Jarvis , who first gained the attention of Mrs Major through his readings of the Richmal Crompton 's William stories , says : ‘ The BBC have been after me to record some more William stories but I have decided that one series a year is quite enough .
13 But if you 're like me moving to a , a house that 's been established for some years you 'll probably find there 's only a minimum of power points because let's face it over the years the use of electrical apparatus have become more and more has n't it ?
14 Yes certainly in the late nineteen eighties , more houses were built in one particular year , depend depending on which part of the country you 're in it happens to be different years .
15 I do n't think they 're in it to make zillions and zillions of pounds , I think they 're in it to make great records .
16 I do n't think they 're in it to make zillions and zillions of pounds , I think they 're in it to make great records .
17 and they get er old enough to be er quite er happy that they 're on you know , c centre of attention
18 And the sheet that you 're on you complete that sheet .
19 When you 're on it make sure you believe what you 're saying !
20 Buy a metal bulb planting tool while you 're at it to help take the frustration out of planting into the grass .
21 The embarrassment increased as hoards of people who had been behind us passed me with odd , pitying looks , clearly curious as to what the hell I was doing squatting down by a rock on my own some considerable distance from the summit .
22 If we who are against it have to speak up for them , then it 's a duty we willingly undertake .
23 And you 'd have been onto me saying
24 Her mother had always bought her clothes , or at least been with her to help her choose them : summer dresses had been plain grey or blue , the blue ones often with a small check in them .
25 ‘ If John had n't been with him to help … ’
26 Er s so many have been in you know so many have been in Bread I do n't actually , I do n't
27 What had been in it lay ahead of her .
28 Oh he has n't been round you know .
29 But it 's a little bit too long there , so you know them nails that are in you know the nails , they 're already in the window ?
30 ‘ At the end of the day all of us are in it to sell records .
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