Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am during his absence drawing as many native plants as I can , I mean branches of trees , some of which are very pretty .
2 She had n't really believed it herself , not all of it anyway ; so when her mother started telling her that what Davy Treffry had said was more or less true , she wanted to put her hands over her ears and not listen ; she did n't want to know about the argument there had been between her father and her Uncle Harry ; she did n't want to hear about how they picked their wives by some silly fishing competition .
3 I know he 's been through her papers and that , not that there was much .
4 Fortunately for Quinn , Sam was a trained agent , and had been through her apprenticeship in stake-out duties , than which nothing is more boring .
5 All of the external verifiers selected to participate in the pilot have been through our induction training and have considerable experience in external verification .
6 Our library girl has been through our cuttings and there is quite a lot about you .
7 They had been through his things .
8 We 've been through his tax arrangements .
9 How and when his link with Newcastle was established is not clear — it might have been through his employment to complete the London house which Kent had designed for the duke 's brother , Henry Pelham [ q.v. ] , after Kent 's death in 1748 — but there is plentiful evidence of the connection .
10 He 's already had two anyway through recognising people that have been through his hands in the cell block , an following 'em and finding them climbing through a window .
11 Is it possible that bolt in my arm should have been through my heart ? ’
12 ‘ Of course I have been through my brother 's documents , household accounts , memoranda and letters .
13 I 've been through my neighbourhood , where they 've torn down liquor stores and burnt down everything .
14 We been through your pockets .
15 The presence of Prince Charles , Prince Andrew , Prince Philip , Princess Anne , her new husband Tim Laurence and her son Peter was all to help a BBC Panorama team film how hard done by the royals are during their holidays .
16 Underlying this simplistic approach is sound reasoning , namely that your audience needs to know at all times where they are during your presentation .
17 That s off my chest now : - ) )
18 I am sure some of the guys in my workshop think I am off my trolley .
19 ‘ I shall try to think of some way of showing how grateful I am for your bravery .
20 ( Or groundsperson , as you quickly modified it to , though let me assure you grateful as I am for your awareness of the issues involved that I have no simplistic sensibilities to be offended in this area . )
21 Had it not been for their masks , the Phantasms ' faces must surely have blistered — a gulf of rising furnace-air yawned beyond that hatch .
22 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
23 If possible , life was harder even for these ragged redskins than it had been for their forefathers after the war with Rope Thrower , when their livelihood had been deliberately burned away from them .
24 Perhaps they 've been for their walk , this one looks as if he 's so old he can hardly !
25 Had it not been for her chance meeting with Estabrook — who saw through her tumbling , distracted manner to the woman she was — she might well have taken her own life .
26 ‘ If it had n't been for her courage and fortitude in going out there and taking on the role of investigator , private detective and motivator , those files would still be closed and the police would just have an unsolved case of a missing person . ’
27 She would have welcomed both had it not been for her vow of return .
28 Carrie knew how hard it had been for her father , who had spent almost thirty-seven years as a horsekeeper for Galloway , to look for other employment .
29 When Aunt Lilian wrote to tell him of my mother 's death — she said she had died from pneumonia — he sent a wreath of lilies and a letter , saying that if it had not been for her tuition , he would not be where he was now .
30 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
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