Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun] like " in BNC.

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1 I have n't been away , but I 've been off work like
2 Perhaps it 's no coincidence that some of your readings that have made the most indelible impression on your audiences have been of works like the Berg Three Orchestral Pieces , the Honegger Liturgique .
3 They 're for things like spot cream .
4 In the first three months , three thousand miles , that does n't tend to happen in fairness erm and something like that would come up erm within that time scale , so , yes , I mean they have the right to go back to the dealer and I must admit in my overall view of the motor trade these days they do they are trying harder and harder to look after their customers because obviously they 're in business like everybody else , they know that their policy holders are covered by the Sale of Goods Act merchantable quality , erm and so they realize that if these things happen then they will endeavour to put the situation right .
5 The boys are the worst , especially if they 're in gangs like the ones here .
6 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
7 But now it seems the kids are into stuff like ours .
8 He had been in scenes like this with his teenage daughters , and he kept thinking : ‘ I must stay cool . ’
9 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
10 None of this mess was of her making , yet she was just as much a prisoner as if she had been in gaol like Clive .
11 Maureen showed me how to insert food down their throats to force-feed them , because when birds are in shock like this they just wo n't eat .
12 Well I could probably get somebody who would be into comics like and then that would maybe start you talking and then like , but he could still be an old wanker sure
13 The agreement stipulates there will be no fundamental alterations to DCE and any changes are likely to be in areas like internationalisation .
14 Sludgeful though they may be in pieces like The Space … ( complete with pseudo-planetarium backdrop ) , and while Warm Wet Circles keeps receding and then returning like some particularly tiresome romantic symphony , Marillion sometimes achieve genuine vastness .
15 ‘ I do n't know where we should be without people like him . ’
16 It was the John and a very big factory in it 's day , in as much as it was er four storeys high , rather high in those days for heavy machinery to be on level like that .
17 The the problem would appear to be on people like D K who are the main complainers , that unless it 's dead square , they 're complaining about it .
18 So th the sort of help that was that would come to the surface would it be at times like birth , death , accidents ?
19 In the eighteen-forties , the department stores really came into being with places like Debenham and Freebodys and Selfridges , where everything could be purchased under one roof , which made things much easier .
20 There was a phase of the women 's liberation movement in the 70s that just saw the kinds of things that affect middle class women , they were into things like equal pay .
21 The horsemen outside too , whose position on the building is not clear , instead of being in profile like their mounts turn each his face towards us .
22 They were in rows like a football team , the people in the front row all kneeling on the ground .
23 She hated being on display like this , hated crowds and hated people snatching photographs , and trying to touch her .
24 The background changes and in a way the background is about things like the visual aids , flipcharts and er the use of video and er even these peripherals you can put on a on a overhead projector now that plug into a computer .
25 That 's for things like looking after babies who 've been left alone too long , or playing with little kids who get lonely .
26 That 's for things like this , I put these in there .
27 That 's for imbeciles like Amelia Dorf .
28 It is for reasons like these that I crossed out the best part of two months each autumn to devote to the public-spending discussions .
29 The market place is for people like you , my world is the studio .
30 The best there is for kids like Angel . ’
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