Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to do [be] " in BNC.

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1 what , it did n't need eighty schemes did it to be launched before you introduced it , it 's something you 'd been wanting to do was n't it ?
2 What I am seeking to do is to outline a model of language use .
3 What I am seeking to do is to go and support Conservative candidates up and down the country and I 'm supporting many of them during this local election campaign .
4 I accept that the unemployment figures this month are disappointing — no one can deny that — but what we are seeking to do is to put people back into permanent jobs , and not temporary jobs .
5 But now I 'm glad , glad and thankful and almost forgiving … because all you 're going to do is play at soldiers twice a week .
6 What we 're going to do is take you to the nearest place you can get a bus .
7 Do n't look like that — I know it 's horrid , having to take people 's money , but we 've got to live , and what we 're going to do is absolutely honest and above-board . ’
8 I 'm going to bring in some illuminated medieval books for you to have a look at , because what you 're going to do is to write this out in best on special paper using illuminated letters and if you 're very good we will try to get them laminated so that we can keep them as an example of what year seven students can produce as their best work , to say to everybody , hey look at this , this is very good , now we ca n't do that if I give you a sheet of A four paper and you manage to fill less than a quarter of that space , so you 're going to need a minimum of ten different things that you would like to say you think are important , you believe are important , you believe they 're valuable and your homework over the next week is to finish that list if you want it to rhyme , well yes you can work on it to make it rhyme , if you want to have what we call rhyming couplet , er just one moment I have n't said clear away .
9 So when the master comes back and says to then What have you done with your talents ? one the first servant shouts , Here , here are ten for your one , Here are five for your one , and he 's very cross with the third servant because he said , What 's the purpose of giving me giving you this money if all you 're going to do is hide it in the drawer ?
10 And what we 're going to do is to say You had your water tablet this morning have n't you ?
11 Now what we 're going to do is change your water tablets .
12 And one of the things they 're going to do is to centralize the switchboard that it 'll , you wo n't actually ring me up at all , you might ring the , the telephone number for Newark but it 'll be answered at headquarters and they 'll put you through .
13 And I 'll start backwards by saying what I 'd like to see , and that is that I think with a group of women coming from such a broad spectrum , that the work we 're going to do is never going to be the same and there are going to be large areas in which we may not be able to work together .
14 What we 're going to do is to log all our variables , right , so if you let L N T C equal open brackets T C close brackets , right , we going to define a new variable L N T C.
15 They can also be used for tests for structural change , right , what we 're going to do is to say during peacetime right , we 'll estimate our model , we 'll then estimate our model during wartime and we 're going to assume that the coefficients or the income and price elasticity mark , do n't change during between peace and wartime , all that happens is as they intercept this model shifts , right , now you may thinks that 's not particularly er attractive , you might expect the price of income elasticities to change between two periods and we could actually use dummy variables to see whether that is the case , right , however , we 'll get very similar results , right , if you just use a slope dummy so it 'd intercept dummy , right , and all that 's going to do is to say , well the model runs like this in peacetime , right , and then wartime it suddenly shifts up or down depending on the effect of er of the war on textile consumption .
16 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
17 Right what we 're going to do is to introduce the idea of expectations right , cos what this equation 's really saying right is that farmers expect price prevailing in T minus one alright to prevails in S T right so that 's what we 're , right , in their ex their expectation of prices in T , right are based on er current prices in sort of T minus one okay and that , that is what we would call erm expectations alright .
18 No notice , right with these are exactly the same as those now alright so what we 're going to do is we 're going to subtract right , if we subtract from a , subtract b from a all those terms that run off into infinity , we 're gon na drop out , okay .
19 What we 're going to do is we 're going to plan it .
20 And it 's easier to get along with brother so and so and sister so and so , but for goodness me I find , I find it ever so difficult to talk to sister so and so and there 's an area perhaps that we can er think about , stay awake by being respectful and obedient and that 's something that is very important because it 's completely opposite in the world today , respect for all authority and obedience to it is absolutely gone by the ways I find refrain from criticism and careless talk so there are the main points , but as we say we ca n't go into them all , well , so what we 're going to do is to try and just highlight one or two little areas which we could er enlarge on or put the magnifying glass on , so shall we do that ?
21 What we 're going to do is , we 're going to get Tony 's first before we bring anything else in here .
22 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
23 What we 're going to do is have a look at the ingredients of a plan .
24 The first thing you 're going to do is put your name on this .
25 you make your sound and you carry on and on and on , I 'm gon na keep on taping different people 's make their sound and then we 're gon na see what it feels like you 're in hospital , okay , now it does n't matter if somebody 's got the same sound as somebody else , it 's no big deal , alright , because eventually they 'll all blend into each other , but as soon as I 've tapped you , make your sound , alright patients , come on where 's the machines ? okay , stop , now when did it start becoming out of hand ? , at one stage we did n't really know where we were to , once , once I say ten people , okay , and that was also due to the fact that we had perhaps too many erm patients moaning , alright , it was good in one respect because why , it made obvious that we were in a , a hospital well something like , but erm when you 're in smaller groups and you 're making your sound machines , obviously it 's much easier to control and to make the overall sound more realistic , do n't you think ? , so , mm , what we 're going to do is we 're going to get into different groups , into groups of four , five , no big deal , you 're welcome to only if you want to , and , you 're going to , each group is going to choose er a profession , okay , you can be brick layers , you can be er musicians , er you can be er gardener , I mean absolutely you can be factory workers , you can be absolutely anything , and what you 're going to do is you 're going to choose , each person will choose a sound which is represented of that particular person , er profession , okay , and you 'll going to make your sounds simultaneously so that as for the audience who are simply listening to you can just close our eyes cos we wo n't , you wo n't be acting you 'll be making these sounds and using , we 'll close our eyes and we 'll know exactly where we are , okay , and then after that once we 've done that just , before you choose your profession to know what this is going to lead onto , after that we 're going to put movements to that profession , so when , if you were in a factory going er putting bottles on , on top top of bottles , you would have the movements going and you would have the sound going and I want you to build up , up , the sound machine which becomes the movement machine as well , so you 're almost robotic so you , shh , shh , or whatever , however your sound , and each person does their thing in the factory or where ever they are and we will be able to see from listening and looking at the movements and obviously remember just because you 're not an example it does n't mean you ca n't talk , there might be for instance there would be a doctor going stand back , stand back , you know , er , in , in the you can use voices , but also obviously very , very effective to have sound voices , shh , shh , to create that part of it , have instruments , but this is how they actually started lay down sound tracks for movies , people specialize
26 you make your sound and you carry on and on and on , I 'm gon na keep on taping different people 's make their sound and then we 're gon na see what it feels like you 're in hospital , okay , now it does n't matter if somebody 's got the same sound as somebody else , it 's no big deal , alright , because eventually they 'll all blend into each other , but as soon as I 've tapped you , make your sound , alright patients , come on where 's the machines ? okay , stop , now when did it start becoming out of hand ? , at one stage we did n't really know where we were to , once , once I say ten people , okay , and that was also due to the fact that we had perhaps too many erm patients moaning , alright , it was good in one respect because why , it made obvious that we were in a , a hospital well something like , but erm when you 're in smaller groups and you 're making your sound machines , obviously it 's much easier to control and to make the overall sound more realistic , do n't you think ? , so , mm , what we 're going to do is we 're going to get into different groups , into groups of four , five , no big deal , you 're welcome to only if you want to , and , you 're going to , each group is going to choose er a profession , okay , you can be brick layers , you can be er musicians , er you can be er gardener , I mean absolutely you can be factory workers , you can be absolutely anything , and what you 're going to do is you 're going to choose , each person will choose a sound which is represented of that particular person , er profession , okay , and you 'll going to make your sounds simultaneously so that as for the audience who are simply listening to you can just close our eyes cos we wo n't , you wo n't be acting you 'll be making these sounds and using , we 'll close our eyes and we 'll know exactly where we are , okay , and then after that once we 've done that just , before you choose your profession to know what this is going to lead onto , after that we 're going to put movements to that profession , so when , if you were in a factory going er putting bottles on , on top top of bottles , you would have the movements going and you would have the sound going and I want you to build up , up , the sound machine which becomes the movement machine as well , so you 're almost robotic so you , shh , shh , or whatever , however your sound , and each person does their thing in the factory or where ever they are and we will be able to see from listening and looking at the movements and obviously remember just because you 're not an example it does n't mean you ca n't talk , there might be for instance there would be a doctor going stand back , stand back , you know , er , in , in the you can use voices , but also obviously very , very effective to have sound voices , shh , shh , to create that part of it , have instruments , but this is how they actually started lay down sound tracks for movies , people specialize
27 So what you 're going to do is erm sounds complicated but once you start you 'll see how it works .
28 So what we 're going to do is to trail our coats in a variety of sessions , to suggest a variety of things to you , and see whether you agree with them or not so please feel free to come in as and when appropriate and see what you think .
29 Right , so what what you 're asking to do is to sign it and send it back ?
30 The call from God is a vocation and the the work that you 're asked to do is your mission .
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