Example sentences of "[be] [verb] on some " in BNC.

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1 we use fixed ‘ standard ’ quantities that belong neither to the base year nor to the current year but are decided on some other basis .
2 If you 're planning on some kissing action on February 14th , make sure your lips are looking lovely !
3 Bolts have also been used on some of the wilder walls of Cheddar Gorge to establish , bolts notwithstanding , some of the most challenging climbs in the region .
4 Whessoe 's plaques , along with those of Head Wrightson , are displayed on some of the oldest power stations in working order in India .
5 In their view the Commission were giving Article 100A an unduly wide construction and were using it for proposals which should properly have been based on some alternative Article of the EEC Treaty , such as Article 100 or Article 235 , which required unanimity in the Council .
6 The exercises that follow are based on some of the easier freestyle manoeuvres , but the great thing about freestyle is you can invent your own tricks .
7 You may not be able to measure the results exactly but at least the appraisal discussions are based on some known criteria , rather than likes and dislikes
8 As we saw earlier , the designers of TRACE would say that these approaches are based on some fundamental misconceptions about the nature of speech recognition .
9 Even more convincing heads are found on some lantern flies , where the real head is well hidden and the false head has a huge eye-spot and bold ‘ antennae ’ .
10 BELOW Numerous quantities of animal bones are found on some excavations .
11 The downgradings in the sector may be justified on some housebuilders , but others look severely undervalued at current levels .
12 Is he saying that these benefits will remain taxable but that the equivalent cost of the benefit will be calculated on some different basis ?
13 ‘ Then Love Begins ’ only lives to be heard on some Midwestern FM easy listening station — which you may find funny or sad in itself .
14 ‘ Then Love Begins ’ only lives to be heard on some Midwestern FM easy listening station — which you may find funny or sad in itself .
15 Terence Johnson has pointed to the limits that can be placed on some professions by their clients or employers .
16 A coherent explanation of the cases must be placed on some other basis than agency .
17 He would report her missing and the crime would doubtlessly be blamed on some tramp or itinerate worker .
18 Furthermore , the company also seemed to be reneging on some of the assurances given to placate Scottish interests during the takeover battle .
19 IBM Corp 's AdStar Corp in San Jose says that six new models of the IBM 9570 Disk Array Subsystem are now available : the new models use RAID-5 architecture and support sustained data rates in excess of 60M-bytes per second over a HIPPI High Performance Parallel Interface : the 9570 stores up to 232Gb of data and can be installed on some ES/9000s and 3090s , the RS/6000 and a multitude of non-IBM machines ; the new models — 020 , 040 , 120 , 140 , 220 and 240 — provide both RAID-1 mirrored data and RAID-5 distributed parity capability , ‘ while preserving RAID-3-like performance for large block transfers ’ ; no prices .
20 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
21 It was an ‘ evolutionary ’ model that was being proposed , and it was endorsed by the Council , which asked for further work to be done on some details , and for the proposals to be published .
22 It can be grown on some of the poorest land in the world , which is totally unsuitable for conventional crops , and in regions where people have no work and are living in poverty .
23 Whether the draftsman of sub-rule ( 3 ) had in mind the possibility that costs might , for contractual reasons , need to be taxed on some other basis than standard or indemnity seems to me doubtful .
24 It can also be used on some burnt stone tools , and is particularly useful if such tools were heated during their manufacture .
25 Reminders about safety may be needed on some sites and agreements about appropriate standards of behaviour may need to be negotiated .
26 More recently , professor Griffith has spoken of the need for a new jurisprudence for public law , which he suggests might best be founded on some ( unspecified ) modern variant of utilitarianism ( Griffith , 1981 ) .
27 Any clusterer should be founded on some kind of theory based on probabilities .
28 Although Donleavy had told him to stay clear of American officials overseas in case they were under surveillance by foreign intelligence agencies , Coleman assumed that Sasser had cleared the meeting with Control and drove up from Larnaca to keep the appointment , expecting to be briefed on some unexpected emergency .
29 It is clear that the ‘ underlying ’ norm : ( [ Ε ] ) , is not the RP norm , even though the movement towards [ aI ] may be modelled on some external norm .
30 It is very different , and as you can see has to be based on some knowledge or understanding .
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