Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 THE eagerly-awaited reappearance of Champion hurdler Royal Gait has been delayed 24 hours until this afternoon due to the abandonment of yesterday 's meeting at Leopardstown .
2 Race officials claim the start of the run had been delayed 20 minutes to avoid the train but the race was running 10 minutes ahead of schedule .
3 Thurston , had arrived with a load of ammunition for the Beaufighters on 7th , but had been delayed three days in leaving again due to a heavy swell on the sea .
4 In the seventy-fourth island of the Black Sea , right in the middle , are hidden three reeds .
5 As it is , we are given five pages which briefly outline the genesis and original publication of the seven essays and only the briefest contextualisation of the pieces within a broader historical framework .
6 At VAG and Associated British Ports , employees are given two days ' special leave at the time of the move .
7 Pre-school children , presented with novel verbs describing unfamiliar actions , are given two types of input : cognitively available indications of argument structure , and syntactic indications of argument structure .
8 A letter written in November 1979 said : ‘ You are given twelve weeks ’ notice of dismissal from this company with effect from 5.11.79 .
9 We are given 4 reasons for the changes :
10 If they have been just very bad , and if they have someone to stand up for them , they are given three strokes of the whip , usually by Sheldon Parry , the born-again television director , and then made to put on a short green smock for the duration of the service .
11 If you are using two strands of 2/30s for your jacquard then add one extra strand for the welt and remove it after the last two CX rows .
12 If you are using two six-egg-boxes , fasten them together with strong tape to make two rows of six ‘ holes ’ ( Fig 1 ) .
13 We would suggest that Tutors discuss the fact that if we use the present system the order for 200 hang gliders will take 600 hours of labour which given we are using 160 hours per month would mean that this order will take in excess of another three months to fill .
14 Until it is quite inescapable that inside the three barrels , distributed , playing together a familiar tune which has been heard three times before , are the TRAGEDIANS .
15 Below are listed 16 questions based on stories that have appeared in The Insider over the past 12 months .
16 The transistor transformed the portable radio , cul-minating in the spectacle — bizarre if it had been witnessed 20 years earlier — of people going around with earphones and Walkmans .
17 Twelve months ago Tom had been placed two half-days each week in an off-site unit for disruptive children .
18 Over the last number of years the way unemployment figures have been measured has been altered 31 times creating an entirely distorted picture .
19 Not for Lexandro those thronged elephantine courtyards and grim vaulted catacombs to which glass cables delivered only a diluted memory of distant sunshine , and where ventilator gargoyles exhaled stale breath which had been refiltered fifty times already .
20 A 24 year old woman had been diagnosed five years previously and had persistent abdominal pain , diarrhoea , and ill health despite repeated courses of steroids .
21 The Urban Development Corporation , are targeting four initiatives in the first phase of development , to bring jobs into the area .
22 Mr Redmond had been looking after the woodyard where he worked while his employer was on a cruise to restore his health , and Sarah told Anne that her father had been given fifty pounds as a mark of appreciation when his employer returned .
23 ‘ Much of it is , but Christian has been given fifty acres of forest land .
24 The group , which has been given 18 bins , is building setts to replace those dug-up by badger-baiters .
25 Also present , and hoping to apply for membership in due course , were representatives from the Shoreham Aviation Heritage Trust , who have been given 75 acres of land at historic Shoreham Airport to develop into a museum .
26 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
27 Sources said that they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks ' severance pay .
28 Sources said they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks severance .
29 He reminded the House that the police had been given forty-eight hours notification of the proposed route : ‘ Honourable members on this side of the House who in this respect are charging him [ Paisley ] with gross civic and social irresponsibility must also charge the police with exactly the same thing . ’
30 Underlining the endless uncertainty that surrounds any industrial or commercial company that has the misfortune to be controlled by the state , France 's chronic loss-maker Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has been given two months to come up with a viable strategy , French Industry Minister Gerard Longuet said after a news conference where he outlined his policies after six weeks in office .
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