Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Another mechanism which has previously been considered important is the repression of emotional events ( Freud , 1915/1957 ) , although there is some support for such an effect in the long term studies of personal memories discussed later , repression as a mechanism has received relatively little attention in the recent literature in cognitive psychology .
2 This ties in with earlier studies which have found that two-day-old infants who are considered attractive are held closer and spoken to more than unattractive babies .
3 Frozen food of the same types that are fed alive are also popular with many fishkeepers and their fish .
4 Daffs are looking nice are n't they ?
5 Oh we are looking posh are n't we !
6 ‘ On the question of whether the material which has been made available is sufficient to justify the initiation of a prosecution against Patrick Ryan he ( Mr Barnes ) has come to the clear conclusion that it is not sufficient for that purpose and that a prosecution would not be justified , ’ the statement said .
7 It would seem that practically all of the resources which have so far been made available are insufficiently accessible for any users other than their immediate designers .
8 Figures alone colleagues can not show the misery of redundancy and unemployment , people who have been made redundant are thirty times to , more likely to commit suicide than those in work and time ten times more likely to be seriously ill .
9 What has not yet been made clear is that the vice-chancellors are seriously split over the issue and some are expressing grave misgivings over the direction being taken .
10 And erm , you 're , you 're , you 're keeping well are you ?
11 We 're getting complicated are n't we ?
12 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
13 Yes you you are teach related is the word yes ?
14 you really are getting clever are n't you ?
15 On appealing to yet another committee , the 14 cases on which he had not been found guilty were resurrected and his dismissal confirmed .
16 The question of the sort of relations between journalists and politicians which could be considered proper was to remain of great importance in determining the changing role of the press .
17 Many of these interactions could be made automatic were it not for the basic need for a human presence for the social/ economic reasons mentioned above and because the human operator has to act as the ultimate back-stop when things go badly wrong .
18 A vast and ordinarily unnoticed area of the history of the arts is the development of systems of social signals that what is now to be made available is to be regarded as art .
19 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
20 Oh there he is there I 'm going blind are n't I ?
21 Mr. Sturge in his argument has maintained that such a lease would be valid , and that , even if the term is uncertain at its beginning when the lease takes effect , the fact that at some future time it will be rendered certain is sufficient to make it a good lease .
22 The types of organizational change that can be called transformational are as follows :
23 As a result , the Global Service will be running Northern 's proprietary Universal Transport Protocol internally , while end users are presented with standard services , normally looking like an X25 packet switched network , although with a bit of tinkering the company can give its customers SNA or frame relay connections instead .
24 It alone can propose candidate referents ; other knowledge sources are consulted as to the appropriateness of those referents , and the first proposed candidate to be judged appropriate is accepted .
25 A tailor made programme of training to be run in-house is also under investigation
26 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
27 It means that patients , in their ignorance , blame already overstressed medical staff for delays or treatment withheld while those who should be held accountable are cushioned from the consequence of their actions .
28 Anyone belonging to these categories who had been taken captive was to be freed .
29 Arsenal are playing terrible are n't they ?
30 So you were considered daring were you ?
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