Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The pages of magazines have been filled this year with the usual crop of controversies .
2 Trade figures with the EC are delayed this year because of the removal of customs controls thanks to the single market .
3 I am conscious of the late payment problem , which is something to which we are devoting great attention .
4 Trapped by nets or felled by corded arrow Hen and cock are parted one dawn .
5 The sun , which had been hidden all day , broke through the cloud at the very moment that Bill fell tail first into a peat hole filled with boggy water and could n't get out .
6 Hastings Borough Council had been pursuing compulsory purchase of the building but , in the light of surveyors ' reports apparently quoting costs of £2.5 million for repairs alone , made a last-minute decision against this and served a Dangerous Structures Notice instead .
7 so er and I 've er been pursuing all sort of avenues .
8 Intermediates could see even less well than their imperfect ancestors , and it is no consolation that they are building better eyesight for their remote descendants !
9 Volkswagen and Daimler-Benz are building new car factories in the east , at a cost of DM5 billion and DM1 billion respectively .
10 The Japanese are building artificial ski slopes in a new material which is claimed to closely simulate the sensation of snow .
11 To his surprise she named a reputable dealer in fine art that he had been to see that afternoon .
12 Neville had been to see Private Eye , and its staff had been courteous , but faintly aloof .
13 I 've only been to see one game so far this season , so it 's difficult for me to judge , but maybe some of you who 've been more often could speculate ?
14 So you still have n't been to see this house in are you ?
15 SHe 'd been charting possible escape routes for a while now , the main reason for not taking advantage of them being a certain concurrence with Jahsaxa 's opinion that blackouts could occur on the street .
16 When all the evidence has been examined each representative will sum up his particular point of view , with the Attorney General having the last word .
17 The TCCB , who are financing this year 's competition , have decided that no trophy will be awarded to the winners of the Sunday League .
18 Congress , I understand the C E C are accepting this resolution for the qualifications so I will be brief .
19 I believe the C E C are accepting this motion and therefore the principle that 's contained therein .
20 Apart from that , you are wasting good knitting time while you are popping around with deliveries .
21 In a lengthy communiqué , regarded by observers as a carefully crafted compromise between United States pressures to boost growth and German determination to control inflation , ministers observed that " forces that have been inhibiting economic activity in many countries are dissipating " .
22 My boyfriend and I are both 24 and have been seeing each other for three years .
23 I was lucky to have my family 's support , and soon after , I met a really nice man at work ; we 've been seeing each other ever since .
24 ‘ We 'd been seeing each other for a year when he suggested we should move in together .
25 She and Jeremy had been seeing each other fairly regularly , but he was an investment banker and they were both so hectically involved in their jobs that they 'd opted for casual , no-strings dating almost by mutual consent .
26 We 've been seeing each other for two years now and , although we have n't set a date , we are planning to get married . ’
27 They can do erm damage to a section of the network erm that does not bring about major destruction and with this accurate bombing that we 've been seeing this kind of operation is possible .
28 As you know , Piper , the staff at the Commando Camp have been accepting free board and lodgings at my Police Station for some time now , especially when they miss the last transport back to camp . ’
29 then it you know they might have been delayed one way or another .
30 Babies in high nitrate areas are given bottled water .
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