Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Halley and his successors at the Royal Greenwich Observatory would surely have been fascinated to learn of the unexpected uses to which astronomers of the late 20th century would put their solar observations .
2 ‘ I am celebrating 10 years in management today and I am struggling to think of a worse away performance . ’
3 The sisters are taught to think of those impulses that impede the spirit as sins with the strength of predatory beasts ravening in the wilderness of the interior landscape of the fallen world .
4 Yeltsin 's speech also covered the issues of land ownership , the need to counter crime and corruption , for which a group had been formed consisting of Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi , First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet , Sergei Filatov , Security Council Secretary Skokov and State Secretary Gennady Burbulis , and the need for an arms law to combat the " blatant pilfering of military property " .
5 In spite of these doubts , a powerful consortium using both corporate and national government funding has been formed consisting of such major electronics interests as Philips , Bosch , Thomson and Thorn EMI .
6 To help Cicely with the running of the team a small steering committee has been formed comprising of
7 Indeed we no longer employ the word with full assurance , or are confident of what we mean by philosophical ‘ materialism ’ , now that we are forbidden to think of atoms as little balls out of which a universe could be constructed ; twentieth century physics has less substantial entities which would slip through one 's fingers .
8 Exactly how zoos are expected to dispose of their lar gibbons is not clear , and it is this which concerns the International Primate Protection League ( IPPL ) .
9 The introduction of the social fund raised issues for bureaux that the IPG was asked to clarify in the information items , thus demonstrating the breadth of understanding that the information writers are expected to have of problems in the field .
10 The company has consistently denied that it allows dangerous emissions but , sirens have been installed to warn of escapes .
11 Town might have been expected to dispose of a side they have already beaten twice this season , but not necessarily with ten men for 68 minutes of the game .
12 They must be taught through benevolence and sympathy ; when the necessity arises shame may be used , but fear only in the last extremity , and then ‘ with such delicacy that if possible the habit may not gather strength by the use you are constrained to make of it ’ .
13 However men are ‘ are gotten rid of ’ many women would be immeasurably hurt in the process .
14 Today 's chefs are looking to state of the art equipment for convenience , reliability and consistency of cooking .
15 In his room at the hotel , he would find a gun and it was emphasised that , after the shooting , he was to replace it in the room as arrangements had been made to dispose of it .
16 Many of the men currently undergoing treatment are wanting rid of political-style tattoos — ‘ IRA ’ and ‘ UDA ’ inscriptions that could be downright dangerous .
17 Ya ha , Joanne you 're going to die of alcohol poisoning !
18 We 're going to think of something .
19 The first thing we 're going to think of though , are the roles of people that you have in your team and how they might be able to help you in solving the problems .
20 We 're waiting to hear of deaths .
21 ‘ But I want you to understand what you 're getting rid of .
22 Well we went into the Rifle Brigade Barracks at Winchester and used to work out at a big house outside of Winchester so we had to march out there and then at the time of Dunkirk , they were looking for places to put all the soldiers that they 'd brought and er , we were cleared out of Barnet , er out of Winchester Barracks and posted up to Nottingham and we worked in the factory , which was taken over by the Army then and erm , and then whilst there , I suppose that was about nineteen what , about nineteen fo coming up to nineteen forty two , they decided to have a recheck or rethink on medicals , so we were all subject to another medical and they put me back to A one and says , right we 're getting rid of all A one personnel out of the Pay Corp , you have a choice Royal Army Ordnance Corp or the Royal Artillery .
23 okay you 're erm you 're getting rid of your communist ideas you 're finding a smoother way to getting erm to achieving a similar sorts of effects
24 You 're getting rid of us !
25 But now what 's happening is , they 're getting rid of the old ones cos they pay them too much !
26 Well the stitches are pulling where they 're , where they 're trying to heal of course , they 're pulling .
27 that 's one of the things we 're , we 're trying to identify of
28 They 're trying to think of someone who will lend them a stereo .
29 In other words , where God is concerned we are attempting to think of that than which nothing greater can be thought , which is also beyond thought .
30 DETAILS of a private phone call in which Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles are alleged to speak of their love for each other was made public last night .
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