Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Ludens was glad he had been to see Franca and felt sure , as he sat in another taxi bound for Victoria , that she had understood why , and in what frame of mind , he had come .
2 Again they looked at each other in silence , and then he said very slowly , ‘ I 've been to see Beecham and Holden .
3 And then erm we ai n't even been to see Barbara and her and her new house and they only live
4 And it is always us who are rowdies in the pub , who choke harbour fronts with gear , and are heard swearing and shouting among the seaside trippers — never the local yobs , is it .
5 ‘ He 's been seeing Jessie and ’ — she bowed her head — ‘ she 's going to have a baby . ’
6 In practice , since the numbers in unc and I become progressively and rapidly more disparate , it is better to deal with them separately ; i.e. the operations in ( 5 ) are carried on as follows ; we are given A and R1 : ( i ) evaluate unc ( ii ) evaluation
7 We are given A and p ; e will vary with x .
8 While patients dependent on alcohol who suffer withdrawal are given sedation and heroine addicts receive opiate substitutes , only tobacco users are expected to go ‘ cold turkey ’ or leave their ward to smoke .
9 Agencies are given budgets and are expected to use them in the most efficient way possible .
10 The many aspects of Christian Aid work at St. A. 's & St. G. 's are given style and unity by ‘ Felicitous ’ posters , and also those of two Elders and a Church Officer , with a gift for calligraphy and communication .
11 Then , if the mares are given hay and grain the foals again copy their mothers and learn to eat the new food .
12 They are given equipment and free visits by carefully selected coaches , who give a series of lessons in the school with the class teacher being gradually trained to take a more and more active part .
13 The court may give directions or vary or revoke an existing direction at any stage in the proceedings provided that the parties are given notice and an opportunity to attend and be heard or to make written representations .
14 Documents or files are given numbers and are filed in number order .
15 Consultation : joint committees are set up where users are given information and can state their opinions , and in the case of differing view , can expect management to explain its reasoning .
16 The Kayan and the Penan peoples are being encouraged — some would say coerced — into leaving their scattered forest homes and nomadic lives to settle in larger communities where they are given schools and clinics and telephones … and jobs in the timber industry .
17 However , he should ask himself why it is that , when people are given access and are judged eligible for the benefits , the administration is so inadequate that paying out the genuine benefits breaks the system .
18 Sainsbury , Tesco , Asda — they all provide expensive glossy leaflets aimed at helping us to slice our treasures — interestingly into fruit salads — how about a bit of background , or best of all , a direct link back to the people who have been eating guavas and passion fruits for ever .
19 ‘ My first thought was , ‘ Oh my God , Carly 's been eating apples and drinking their juice almost all her life — ten years .
20 He had been eating guavas. and listening , when we had discussed our destination with the conductor .
21 At the same same they are using propaganda and terror to boost their position in the countryside .
22 Your building is completed ; your medical establishment arranged ; the rules and orders for the government of the House suggested and published ; and already for more than one month , the indigent and afflicted have been deriving comfort and relief from the institution .
23 Secondly , the capital charges are to include depreciation and an interest element .
24 But as soon as the n the kid Nicky hits teenage years then he wants to be called Nick , whereas if the girl 's been christened Nicola and she 's called Nicky through her childhood , when she hits teens she 's still called Nicky .
25 For over half a century , Tintawn has been producing wool and wool-rich carpets of the highest quality .
26 This collaborative development project , involving most of the original researchers , has been producing training and other materials , trying them out in a few selected authorities , and also extending its dissemination networks in anticipation of the finished products .
27 Finally , my old friend Alistair Sampson set me up with a cheerful office over his shop in the Brompton Road , where I am gathering stock and beginning life again .
28 Similarly if people are organizing bonfires and they want their bonfire to go on Action Line 's list then they can give them a ring as well you see ?
29 In the meantime , RAF counsellors and officers are helping families and friends come to terms with the loss of nine colleagues .
30 Increasingly , books for school use are targeting skills and concepts as well as content , though very few of the first wave of National Curriculum history titles , hurriedly rushed out by publishers , were in fact written after the final reports for history had been issued .
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