Example sentences of "[be] [noun] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Principles of neutrality state that there are reasons to be neutral .
2 But there are reasons to be optimistic about our economy …
3 These are reasons to be cheerful , but the studied neglect of the national press does n't make only Kitty angry .
4 In the Registrar 's office there are forms to be filled in and information to be provided .
5 There are essays to be done , maths questions to answer and a still life to be drawn at almost every school across the country .
6 For Pope , these contradictions are follies to be satirized ; for Leapor , they are injustices to be protested against .
7 My claim has been that there are parallels to be observed between the theism of the Western religious traditions and that of the main Eastern religious tradition .
8 On farms , building sites , in factories and hospitals there are dangers to be understood and avoided .
9 If standards are set in concrete , there is no way of teaching children that there are times to be flexible , when special circumstances demand it .
10 I am the servant of the cause I have at heart , and you and I , and Harry if need be , are coin to be spent for it . ’
11 Among proposals to combat noise pollution are alterations to road surfaces , reductions in aircraft and vehicle noise , controls over burgular and car alarms , better sound insulation in buildings and a " quiet neighbourhood " scheme are proposals to be examined to combat noise pollution .
12 The apocalypse may have been postponed indefinitely , but there remains the assurance that it will eventually come , at the end of time ; and , in the meanwhile , there are rewards to be reaped in heaven .
13 Parts of R.5 are rules to be observed by the recognised body itself ; other parts are rules to be observed by the individual shareholders .
14 Parts of R.5 are rules to be observed by the recognised body itself ; other parts are rules to be observed by the individual shareholders .
15 If you are not too bothered erm , if you do n't know a priori where the break comes , you can just split the sample size in half and just estimate erm an equation for each , not less , you wo n't but the computer will , if you just specify half the sample size , right , and when it asks for the number of observations failure or Chow tests you just press the return key and it will use all the remaining observations , right , but when you are doing the empirical work you should always test for structural stability , right , and er either of Chow 's tests will , will suffice , right , but if you 've got a very small stock sample where there are fewer observations than there are parameters to be estimated you will have to use Chow 's second test failure .
16 WHILE the Dakota hogs all the limelight , there are aircraft to be found that approach ( and in many ways , surpass ) the do-it-all image of that ubiquitous aircraft .
17 There are animals to be saved .
18 But he stressed : ‘ I think it is clear that there are savings to be had and we shall be keen to take those into account . ’
19 " You make me feel there are songs to be sung
20 The requirements are : ( 1 ) application ( N 213 ) with as many copies of notices as there are parties to be served ; ( 2 ) affidavit of truth of facts .
21 However , on top of these fees , there are royalties to be paid for each unit shipped , which can range from $5 to $75 per copy .
22 At this time too there are relationships to be forged with employers and co-workers and , since such a large part of life is spent at the workplace , the good or bad effects of such relationships are likely to affect the individual 's home life too .
23 Utopias are goals to be reached and dystopias goals to be avoided .
24 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
25 At the end of the day , there are experiences to be shared , new friends to be introduced and tans to be compared over a convivial drink .
26 Surely , however , there are lines to be drawn , and it is not only remarkable , but worrying , to find that someone in such a responsible position can argue that the tobacco industry provides a neutral form of sponsorship .
27 Are we interested only in summaries or descriptions or are hypotheses to be tested and inferences made ?
28 On the other hand , there is evidence in the fifteenth century of town building of both domestic and commercial property , which was clearly a speculative attempt to secure a profit , so there must have been advantages to be gained from this .
29 There are surprises to be found in the striking images of the complex between Max and its DNA target sequence , and in those surprises are hints about the interactions of Max with several other proteins , which are directly involved in the control of cell growth .
30 It is a perceptual garden in which there are goodies to be picked — once the garden has been entered .
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