Example sentences of "[be] [noun] in which " in BNC.

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1 He knows too that there are activities in which he is most intelligent when he is most spontaneous , in which to think may even be dangerous ; the ski jumper or the tightrope walker can not afford to hesitate and reflect .
2 Although both washing and washing up are activities in which dirt is removed from objects , the pleasure inherent in washing seems to be greater .
3 All of these are projects in which the government holds a controlling interest and in which it has a strong commercial partner .
4 The process usually involves the stimulation of indigenous subsurface microorganisms to degrade chemicals on-site , although there have been cases in which microorganisms with some specialised metabolic capabilities have been added .
5 The cases to which I have so far referred have all , bar one , been cases in which a wife has given security or become a surety for her husband 's obligations .
6 At the same time , there have been cases in which ‘ the inference of illegal conspiracy ’ has been drawn from ‘ detailed similarity of behaviour ’ .
7 It is true that the cases of indirect wording and external interpretation considered earlier are cases in which the validity of a disposition rests on intention rather than form .
8 They are cases in which only one type of disposition is involved , but it is then misdescribed as the other .
9 Worse still are cases in which only the jurist seems to be in doubt as to what kind of disposition is involved .
10 First , that there are cases in which for no apparent reason legacy and trust seem to be used imprecisely .
11 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
12 Nevertheless , there are cases in which underlying sexual difficulty can be traced and adjusted with far-reaching results in reducing other problems to manageable proportions .
13 In answer to this , there are cases in which the notion of force feeding is very wide of the mark .
14 There are cases in which an interlocutory injunction has been granted , despite the fact that the defendant was raising a defence to the alleged crime .
15 There are cases in which prosecutions failed because the nuisance did not interfere with a sufficient number of the public .
16 ‘ The cases in which the principle has been applied are cases in which the nature , scope and purpose of the function vested in the repository made it unlikely that Parliament intended that it was to be exercised by the repository personally because administrative necessity indicated that it was impractical for him to act otherwise than through his officers or officers responsible to him .
17 121 , as to which Parke B. , in Cooper v. Parker ( 1855 ) 15 C.B. 828 , said , ‘ Whenever the question may arise as to whether Down v. Hatcher is good law , I should have a great deal to say against it , ’ yet there certainly are cases in which great judges have treated the dictum in Pinnel 's Case as good law .
18 They are cases in which a promise was made which was intended to create legal relations and which , to the knowledge of the person making the promise , was going to be acted on by the person to whom it was made , and which was in fact so acted on .
19 The only exceptions are cases in which the court : ( a ) is considering whether to make a residence order in respect of a child in care ( s41(6) ( e ) ) ; or ( b ) has given a direction for investigation under s37 and has made or is considering whether to make an interim care order ( s41(6) ( b ) ) .
20 there are , there are cases in which the exercise , well if , if , I think we can start with a right , the exercises were right , erm , if , for example the cases who simply that I refer to in relation
21 President Jose Sulaiman said : ‘ We know a single drop of blood can transport the virus , and there are fights in which there is a lot of blood . ’
22 These are units in which 90% or more of the land is classified as rough grazing .
23 May , June and August are months in which romance and relationships feature prominently , although for most of the year you may find yourself debating whether a commitment is worth making or abiding by .
24 First , it is mainly concerned with English law and with English governmental , legal and political institutions : despite the fact that in constitutional and governmental terms the United Kingdom is , for many purposes , a single unit , there are respects in which Scotland and Northern Ireland deserve separate treatment which they will not receive .
25 As we shall see in a moment , however , there are respects in which similarities are overwhelming .
26 Fortunately , there are animals in which the process is not only much simpler but can be observed directly .
27 There are schools in which the practices of the past are even more clearly identifiable .
28 Even worse , there are ILPs in which none of the rounded solutions is feasible ( Exercise 1 ) .
29 A common observation has been that there are soils in which some diseases never seem to occur and it is presumed that microorganisms that are antagonistic to pathogens naturally occur in these ‘ suppressive soils ’ .
30 And there are senses in which this music can be seen as representing wider experiences , of workers particularly , within twentieth-century capitalist society .
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