Example sentences of "[be] [noun] of which " in BNC.

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1 It will be recalled that associatives are adjectives of which the properties are specifically not ascribed to the entity of the noun phrase in which they figure .
2 Now what will happen is erm , erm there are signs of which is happening abroad already , that people will go from the United States , other parts of the world , they will fly in and they will fly into Frankfurt and they will erm fly into other European erm airports and Heathrow relative to others will begin to lose it 's position , and therefore from a national point of view , from an economic point of view , it is very important that Heathrow does sort of maintain er it 's er position and nobody 's denying that this may have some sort of , erm er important erm environmental erm dis dispendant and er if stick by them if you you 're going to .
3 The total costs per month are £800,000 of which £192,000 are fixed costs .
4 Also the smart executive is aware , especially in the early stages of examining a strategic move , that there may be perspectives of which he is unaware .
5 Or rather , he holds that all the great goods of which we know involve consciousness ; there may conceivably be others of which we are ignorant .
6 This tort is not directly referred to in section 13 , except in so far as the ‘ nominate ’ torts above are species of which it is the genus .
7 Perhaps there are links of which you are unaware . ’
8 In his section of the AB , Hincmar attributed many crucial diplomatic and political activities to queens : since some were activities of which he approved , and only some queens were credited with such roles , it seems less likely that he obsessively exaggerated the nefarious influence of women ( though misogyny was in the air breathed by medieval churchmen ) than that he accurately portrayed a feature of Carolingian political life underrecorded by other contemporary writers .
9 He thought that the only things of which we could be really certain were things of which we were directly aware , that is , things in our own minds .
10 He spoke noncommittally , and Lydia understood that there were things of which Beuno would not yet speak to her .
11 My initial reasons for believing in the men 's innocence were ones of which the law takes no cognisance at all .
12 There were interviews of which oral evidence was given in the inquiry ordered by the visitor but these were found by Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle to be neutral so far as the question at issue falls to be considered .
13 Rather , the analysis is pro-nuclear family and implicitly pro-patriarchy and favours a clear set of moral rules and values , which perhaps are ones of which many respectable working-class people , both black and white , Afro-American , European-American , and others , might approve .
14 These offences are ones of which a past or present officer of a company in liquidation can be found guilty .
15 is part of which I think is just ridiculous and will be a nice well meaning democratic tolerant guy in but considering the history of those two countries I rather doubt it erm and I , I think the best way of securing er the safety of that population is actually to change the border before the borders are are fixed and settled and before these countries actually become independent .
16 When not working , Reay 's main interest is snooker of which he is ‘ very , very keen ’ and then referring to his colleague , Keith Smith , he said , for the benefit of the Glenpatrick News that Keith ‘ loves cream cakes . ’
17 ‘ These are facts of which I meant to remind him . ’
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