Example sentences of "[be] [noun] in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 There had been times in her life when she had been — if not happy , then content .
2 I know nothing about Mr McLachlan he does not appear in Who 's Who : whether he hails from Scotland , Ireland , Korea or Czechoslovakia ; whether he is Catholic , Presbyterian or Buddhist ; whether he is married with children ( sorry , kids ) or celibate ; whether there have been tragedies in his life , or whether it has been an uninterrupted progression to his present exalted situation .
3 Facilitating adult learning and developing self direction in students are skills in their own right .
4 The contributors are all active researchers in Russian institutes and are authorities in their respective fields .
5 Both the singing and the dialogue ( of which there is a good deal ) are expressive and sparkling , though there are times in her two solos , when Christiane Castelli ( Gontran ) seems a little uncertain pitch and fragile of tone .
6 There are times in our lives when we are particularly vulnerable and can easily be hurt .
7 But even if we 've known him for many years , if we 're committed Christians , if we 've been followers of Jesus , there are occasions , there are times in our life when there is turmoil and there is unrest and if we allow him to se , to take control he is able to bring peace .
8 Some would argue that many of these areas are disciplines in their own right and merit their own main class .
9 With these new ministers who are experts in their relevant fields Italy will I hope change very soon .
10 We know Italy as only Italians can , and you can rest assured that the Citalia staff are experts in their chosen field — Italian holidays .
11 I find it stimulating to air ideas with a variety of people , many of whom are experts in their field . ’
12 The political speakers , who would have been YCs in their day , knew that they should be brief .
13 However , such sections ( or their representatives ) are groups in our sense only if they are organized to pursue that interest by lobbying government officials or seeking the election of particular candidates .
14 Effectively , that means that women of all classes , sizes , shapes and backgrounds are prisoners in their own homes .
15 In the meantime , RAF crews will continue to take comfort to the victims who are prisoners in their own land .
16 He has as many selves as he has utterances , virtual or realized , as many selves as there are words in his lexicon , even in the dictionary of his potential language , with each word its aetimology , its phoneyetic fragility and its semiantic sea changes , each word its infinite contiguities and its tall spokes of paradismatic possibilities .
17 That 's doubtless because originators Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick are writing about themselves and their friends : like Michael Steadman , who is at the centre of this universe , they are Jews in their mid-thirties married to non-Jews and with young children .
18 I 'm the only one who 's ever been mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nine , taking numbers on polling stations and so on , and so when I got elected to the Council I think one or two people at any rate felt that it was quite natural that I should have the opportunity fairly soon .
19 Yes , I was the youngest ever Mayor of Lewes by a clear ten years , I 'm the only one who 's ever been Mayor in his twenties , and I think that came about probably because the family had been in the town since the beginning of the century , erm and I 'd been involved in local politics since about eight or nineteen , I was on polling stations and so on .
20 There are sectors in our business which are presently under exploited and the marketing and sales teams will be working to create new lines and marketing strategies to help us to become leaders in these new areas .
21 Now the reason why we 've come together and this has been a recent change and it 's been this year , erm is because there are overlaps without going into deep detail , there are overlaps in our work and we were working together as officer 's anyway , but not as well as we should , so what we decided to do was formally integrate the three teams under the same unit , and we do have regular er internal meetings , management team meetings consisting of John , Pete me and Carol and we so we more co-ordinate the work for all the teams much more systema systematically , that we know what everybody 's doing and that way we believe we can use best use of resources we 've got most effectively .
22 Although these two artists did not meet , there are affinities in their work and director , Andrew Kalman , has selected ten pictures by each of them to make his point ( 15 October-27 November ) .
23 to meet with Jim so that we can a a the objective of which will be for Jim to tell us what the content of his course is , so we can assess where whether there are gaps in our training .
24 But — and this is why I am obliged to require your co-operation — at a certain level there are gaps in my team .
25 It will therefore be wise to record details of job changes and about leavers No doubt there are gaps in my scenario , but the range of activity I have described provides ample scope for the beneficial use of computers , so let us see how they can be used In doing so I shall make particular reference to the value of microcomputers .
26 Left : It is illegal to collect undersized Edible Crabs — large ones are assassins in your tank .
27 I suppose we 're nutters in our own way . ’
28 ‘ Can we help it if we 're putty in your hands ? ’
29 Well I was just I was just thinking , if you had a patterned paper and then you had you 're pattern in your
30 She meant to explain that there had n't been room in their cases but before she could speak Miss Evans turned bright red and said quickly , ‘ Oh , I 'm so sorry , how silly of me , why should you ?
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