Example sentences of "[be] [noun] of his " in BNC.

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1 When he was at school , Gazzer 's graffiti had been part of his act : another way of establishing himself as a ‘ character ’ , of making his mates laugh .
2 As we did so he explained he had taken the day off , instead of next Sunday , which would have been part of his free week-end .
3 This may , however , have simply been part of his lifelong preoccupation with correct dress : one friend remarked that his clothes were English , his underclothes American . "
4 I wanted to live awhile among those who had been part of his childhood and his last few years .
5 The confrontation between President Zviad Gamsakhurdia and opposition forces , including those who had once been part of his regime as fellow nationalists , continued throughout October .
6 Their actions are part of his reconstruction and interpretation of a once potent ritual , part of his own ‘ Vitalizing of the Classics ’ .
7 A flash of sunlight , burning logs , an old psalm tune , fallen leaves , are part of his remembered world ; as are ballads , songs and dance rhythms , the sound of water sliding down window panes , or slapping against holes in the river bank .
8 Bradl greatly appreciates the men who are part of his team , especially tuner Sepp Schlogl .
9 He 's the local landowner — those fields at the back of these outbuildings are part of his estate .
10 Dr Apps is off on an expedition of a lifetime to the Arctic Circle next month and three chocolate bars are part of his daily diet .
11 Staring balefully from the 30-year-old 's office wall are pictures of his six predecessors .
12 Mr Onanuga admits that there are aspects of his story which do not appear to add up .
13 Something is his unconscious , and the planets or children are aspects of his life that return to him as he slowly readjusts to reality .
14 An anniversary poem went to the Queen , and many MPs have been recipients of his comments couched in rhyme on subjects from food irradiation ( he 's an opponent ) to saving the Antarctic .
15 We 're part of his family .
16 are sort of his type of player
17 There are explorations of his war-time activities ; his work for Beveridge and the Economic Commission for Europe ; his work as a tax adviser in developing countries ; his proposals for tax reform in the UK ; his original views on the functioning of the world economy and his theoretical contributions mentioned above .
18 As we have seen , a broadening of library skills to " study skills " was a goal for the new deputy head , and both the proposal document and the minutes of the reconstituted committee are evidence of his relative success .
19 ‘ In the circumstances , I think we will follow you , but let me remind you that we are envoys of His Gracious Majesty King Henry VIII of England . ’
20 Mr Winner , most of whose efforts with the camera thus far have been studies of his girlfriend , actress Jenny Seagrove , was paid £200 by the book 's publishers for his Gielgud picture .
21 Among papers of Hamish Henderson , C.1947–87 , are drafts of his translation of Gramsci 's Lettere dal Carcere .
22 ‘ Even when I got by on a fast straight , where the extra power of my machine was beneficial , I thought it might be part of his plan to let me go in front and force me into making a mistake . ’
23 It has been a great privilege to see how God has been at work in their lives and to be part of His plan for these men .
24 Mother Francis knew it must be part of his divine plan , but at times she wondered had she prayed hard enough , had she examined every possibility .
25 Isaiah declares that God 's servant , whom Christians recognise as Jesus Christ , will be ‘ a light for the Gentiles ’ and that God himself ‘ will ‘ beckon ’ them , calling them forth to be part of his purposes of salvation to the ends of the earth' ( Isa. 42.6 ; 49:6 , 22 ) .
26 Finally , it was because he wanted me to be part of his world of music .
27 She was arranging to have an abortion when her father found out , and told her if she went through with this , he would no longer consider her to be part of his family .
28 Although Eddie is retiring , carpets will continue to be part of his way of life as his son Ian is also in the trade .
29 When the professor is in charge of any collection belonging to the University it shall be part of his duty to make such collection accessible to , and available for the instruction of , students attending his lectures .
30 It had to be part of his make-up , and for an instant she wished she could decide what sign he was .
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