Example sentences of "[be] [adj] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He rode on the Sambre 's northern bank , drawn towards the town by the sound of musketry which had been loud an hour before , but which now had faded into silence .
2 Where the sewers are private an easement will be required from the original developer to effect a connection .
3 The picturesque village and castle of Glamis ( a royal residence since 1374 and the family home of the Earl of Strathmore ) are half an hour from Dundee .
4 We are half an hour from Cardiff and two and a half hours from London along the M4 .
5 Your first couple of lessons are half an hour take you driving anyway , and by the time you get up there you 'd drive onto them .
6 Well , they moved off and then just getting back to sleep must of been half an hour after we 'd and heard this voice shout what you doing ?
7 It really was er of the sort , you know , if Cleopatra 's nose had been half an inch longer , history would have all been different , you know , that , that kind of trivia .
8 She 'd been such an idiot , had n't she ?
9 But Coun Wigley said he was in contact with a lot of local people and had there been such an incident he would have heard .
10 Dwyer , who guided the Aussies to World Cup victory last year , insists : ‘ There has been such an improvement in Welsh rugby it could be us who go in as underdogs . ’
11 In a study of miraculous images of Mary which weep , the author , Father Hebert SM , after saying there is a long history of these writes , ‘ There has never been such an outpouring of tears as there has been in this century … more explicitly during the ten years , 1971–1981 , particularly so in Italy and in the United States ’ .
12 Even if there had been such an agreement , there was nothing to stop the board getting rid of Mr Venables if it wished , said Mr Heslop .
13 The hospital and all that went with it had been such an oasis in the alarming wilderness of doing everything for , and chiefly by , myself ; now it came to the point of leaving it , I was scared .
14 He was young and fit , and had been half-expecting an attack .
15 Well , imagine the reaction if you could nonchalantly mention that your strings were made from magnetically active nickel steel with a reinforced twist at the ball end because you are such an animal when it comes to whammy-bar aerobics !
16 Where witnesses are unavailable an admission to being involved is helpful .
17 ‘ Tell me , Miss Levington , ’ he enquired with silky smoothness , ‘ as you 're such an expert on human nature , why did Giles Denton make a point of publicly embarrassing you at the Grand Hotel ? ’
18 ‘ Oh , Chris , you 're such an innocent .
19 I mean that 's like , that 's like saying no man you 're such an umpire or something .
20 There must have been many an occasion when agents , in particular , must have wished to see the back of him .
21 When both electrodes have been pre-heated an arc is struck between them ( Figure 2 ) .
22 Mr Sharma told the United News of India agency : ‘ I am sure an agreement will be reached with the militants tonight or tomorrow morning , as we will release the terrorists demanded by them . ’
23 Mr MacSharry added : ‘ As far as I am concerned an agreement could be signed in five minutes . ’
24 ‘ As far as I am concerned an agreement could be signed in five minutes , ’ said Mr MacSharry , Ireland 's EC agriculture commissioner who bowed out as a GATT negotiator yesterday .
25 It is in fact a purely physical problem associated with excessive amounts of gas ( usually atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen ) dissolved in the water in which the fish finds itself , be that an aquarium , pond or indeed lake .
26 The length of lessons will vary from teacher to teacher , but the shortest will be half an hour and the longest will be an hour .
27 She waited thus for what she judged to be half an hour , moving a few steps to and fro to keep warm whenever the coast was clear .
28 I used to have Physics at half-nine and every now and then she 'd have an accident in the road so I 'd be running home , changing her and taking her back to nursery , which would mean I 'd be half an hour late .
29 Always used to be half term , but Milvia it can only be half an hour !
30 ‘ Oh , and I 'm such an ogre !
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