Example sentences of "[be] [adj] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Woolwich says six-month arrears are back to the levels of February 1988 and the Abbey National says short-term arrears have been declining since the end of last summer and repossessions are stable or falling .
2 It is impossible to describe in a few words , but one thing that many knitters do not realise is that it can be worked from either left or right and that some people find one side much easier than the other ( not necessarily related to whether you are right or left handed either ! ) .
3 The Minister must have been asleep or doing something else when I raised my final point about the article in the education press in Scotland about the middle of last year .
4 This opposition has not been coherent or co-ordinated , and is still much weaker than the centripetal trends it opposes .
5 At the same time , using retaliatory import tariffs and other protective measures , the Dutch government was able to give something of a boost to a number of Dutch industries which had previously been weak or languishing .
6 Giant freckles , called chloasma , sometimes appear on the face or neck in sunlight if you are pregnant or taking the combined Pill .
7 The best advice if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy is that you should stop drinking alcohol until after your baby is born .
8 If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy , stop drinking alcohol until after your baby is born .
9 It is advised that women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should avoid drinking alcohol altogether .
10 The model proposed by Lakatos , that scientists work in rival ‘ Research Programmes ’ , each of which has a hard core of unchangeable and unchallengeable general assumptions , can show up those programmes which are progressive or stagnating , according to how well novel facts can be confirmed , or if the programme is purely reactive .
11 The Directive requires the adoption of uniform rules of law by all member states in the matter of unfair terms , which should apply to all contracts between sellers or suppliers , of goods and services , and consumers , whether such contracts are oral or written .
12 Nor have reforms been meagre or lacking in ingenuity .
13 The ceilings are coffered or have sloping beams and are supported by decorative pillars ( 81 and 83 ) .
14 LIFESPAN is unable to determine whether modified modules are sensible or contain character pictures of pin-ups !
15 In Mozambique , more than two hundred thousand have been orphaned or separated from their families .
16 Wool-sucking seems to be most common among young cats that have been orphaned or have for some other reason been deprived of the maternal nipple too soon .
17 Initially , I would have been embarrassed or offended .
18 Much of the housing is unfit for human habitation , and the proportion of dwellings which are overcrowded or lack basic amenities is much higher in these areas than elsewhere .
19 The most convenient forms of lattice grid are direct or offset .
20 Housing is also important and failure to remove soiled bedding , especially if the kennels are damp or have porous or cracked floors , can lead to a massive build-up of infection .
21 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
22 Almost half of Britain 's architects are unemployed or under-employed , finds GORDON MILNE , who also reports on brighter prospects abroad
23 Years when you are at home and getting home responsibilities protection will not be counted , but years when you are unemployed or working part-time will , and will bring down the average , so you will end up with a lower pension .
24 One in seven men and more than one in four women have difficulty sleeping — regardless of whether they are unemployed or working irregular shifts .
25 So lest any misunderstandings arrive that this is some thin end of some wedge , I should also add that the restriction we 're proposing only applies to national committees , does n't apply to any other office anywhere in the union and to reinforce that point the C E C will be recommending support for a general motion underlining the rights of people who are unemployed or retired to hold office throughout the G M B.
26 She says : ‘ It is a very valuable function because it helps people who are unemployed or have just been made redundant to do something which is worthwhile .
27 The means test is now being set so low that only people who are unemployed or have incomes near benefit levels will be able to obtain free legal help .
28 Some licensees have seen catering as a profitable sideline and invested their own cash and other resources into developing it , while others have either not been interested or have lacked the capital to do so , and have accordingly only provided minimum facilities .
29 Others are widowed or divorced , and hate being the odd one out among friends who are all couples .
30 Unfortunately , few of them are interested or want to stick to the dietary disciplines for long .
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