Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 It implies that those movements in aggregate demand which are predictable will have no effect on real output and , by implication , employment or unemployment , but will only affect prices .
2 Any decision that preparation and presentation should be separate would have to be justified to the public and be open in the last resort to judicial review .
3 Roxburgh 's observation that high expectation can be dangerous might have carried more weight were it not for the fact that nobody appears to have a loftier opinion of Ferguson than the 21-year-old himself .
4 If I 'd met you earlier the fact that I 'm married would have made it impossible for me to take off and fly with you like this .
5 This is reflected in the rule that statements by the accused to be admissible must have been made voluntarily .
6 It was a very moving experience which I 'm sure will have been spiritually beneficial to all who participated in it . ’
7 The substance to be odorous must have a measure of volatility , so that it constantly loses molecules which make contact with the olfactory sensitive region of the nose .
8 Their memorandum on US policy towards Indo-China recognized the possibility that without what it called ‘ a bolder political approach ’ the French — and the US — might well be heading into a debâcle which neither could afford ; but the drastic political measures which were reckoned to be necessary would have to be a matter for voluntary decision by the French government .
9 He 's so musical that I 'm sure his ability to get others to be creative must have been considerable .
10 In this context it is noted that there tend to be high rates of drop-out associated with part-time study , and those who have been successful will have displayed the commitment and capabilities necessary for success in higher education .
11 It could have been worse could have been worse .
12 Some who were interested might have been unable to think of a method .
13 A court in deciding whether goods were unsafe will have regard to all the circumstances , including the purpose for which the goods were marketed , their ‘ get-up , ’ any instructions or warnings given , and also any published standards of safety .
14 Well the men although they may not have realized they were thirteen must have been pretty stupid not to realize they were perhaps below consent age .
15 Being sick would have speeded that up , of course , as well as your inelegant fall from the fountain . ’
16 Ironically , the number of old people who were poor would have been greater but for the action of the Attlee Government .
17 If big shops tended to offer a wider range of credit facilities than small ones , then people shopping in the urban centres where big shops are round would have a wider choice of credit types than people shopping in small rural centres .
18 He stressed that anyone who is interested must have a commitment to the police force and ‘ the idea of keeping law and order ’ .
19 Whether heterozygosity is protective could have an important bearing on genetic counselling in this disease now that presymptomatic detection of this and other mutations in the prion protein gene is possible .
20 Anyone who thinks Claire is sincere must have a brain smaller than a mouse dropping .
21 Well yeah , she 's fucking must have you know about a bit .
22 Modern cities will almost have doubled their annual production of waste per head during the twentieth century , while the proportion of this waste that is biodegradable will have fallen from more than 90% to under 50% .
23 The ketos , to which the hero is advancing would have been on the missing part of the stone .
24 Any information which is relevant may have to be disclosed to the parties in respect of any court case .
25 It 's alright might have offered you something might n't you ?
26 Some people that are local may have even driven here on the Sunday , just to see how to get here , so that on the Monday morning when it 's the rush hour , they knew generally where they were going to go .
27 There was nothing the big , anxious woman could do to investigate the matter further and although she played the beam of the torch on every inch visible to her , she could n't see whatever it was that might have made her daughter scream other than the damp and secret darkness of the place .
28 Jacob was still not the daughter she had set her heart on , but even though he was a male child he was , at least , physically recognisable as her offspring , and as he grew up he displayed artistic tendencies of a kind which she was sure could have flowered in her had she been given the chance .
29 The shock of hearing Dana say she was jealous would have to be pushed to the back of her mind for now .
30 After the normal speculation that surrounds these events I was put out of my misery as she weighed in at 32lb 4oz — to say I was ecstatic would have been an understatement .
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