Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [subord] her " in BNC.

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1 It would have been sad if her marriage , also , had been sacrificed .
2 ‘ And so everyone was happy , ’ said Julia , smiling again and not giving voice to her suspicion that perhaps the young homesick Italian might have been happier if her besotted husband had managed to forget his dislike of foreigners and their countries .
3 Despite her love of exercise , her health had been poor since her early adulthood and she was bedridden for many years .
4 What can the orthodox practitioner do if a patient tells him that she has never been well since her husband died some ten years ago ( grief reaction ) or since the dreadful fright she experienced when she had a car crash many years ago ?
5 Meredith delved in her plastic bag and produced a bottle of wine and — because she had not been sure whether her hostess drank — a box of chocolates .
6 But they had been better than her family .
7 She 's been blind since her father died .
8 It would just be awful if her family put her away somewhere .
9 She 'd replied that while his obsession might be healthier than her husband 's — which was money and its manipulation — his behaviour was still neurotic .
10 Would that be tactless as her first remark had , in retrospect , been tactless ?
11 As , ten minutes later , she realised that she 'd be lucky if her sister ever spoke to her again .
12 Esther Ward had more reason to be ashamed than her vulnerable sister Elizabeth , for she had taken advantage of the forbidden love which had grown between Elizabeth and Richard , and she had never once opened her heart to the innocent girl-child who was born out of that love .
13 The rabbi explains the custom by saying that Israel 's cup of joy can not be full if her triumph involves suffering , even for her enemies .
14 But she 'll never be happy until her two young sons are there aswell .
15 There 's nothing coming to me that 'll be worse than her yak-yakking all day . ’
16 Could it be worse than her present situation ? whispered a treacherous small voice .
17 She disregarded such things altogether , rather relished them , in fact ; and she must have been very strong , because I never knew her to show any weakness , nor to be other than her usual cheerful , robust-spirited self .
18 As a result she was present at the important council meetings at the end of the year and it would be surprising if her voice was not heard in the discussions about the future of Aquitaine — all the more so since she could be expected to have some influence over her children , and particularly over Richard .
19 Well I had that with this little locum , but er , a South African , did n't feel a thing , mind you a lot of fillings came out thought just had to go back and have it put in again , but she drilled such a small whole that , that , the dentist I saw , another nice young man , cos my dentist had gone , she 's re-filled it , and going to be alright because her fillings out and it was a bit rough , they did n't sort of goes inwards sort of
20 Would n't it have been wonderful if her love had been returned .
21 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
22 Not that I could n't ring you any time while they 're here , ’ she added hurriedly , as if feeling guilty of being underhand while her parents were out of the way .
23 They were cooler than her hands , which were on his belly now , pressing harder as she hoisted herself over him .
24 Her black stockings were finer than her morning ones , as were her buckled shoes .
25 Hold on , her left one 's lower than her right one .
26 Her heart really is bigger than her body .
27 It is larger than her earlier work , but more nearly anonymous , not so marked with the idiosyncratic personality which so much delights readers in most of her novels and stories .
28 If your wife 's total income is less than her personal allowance she can apply to have the building society interest paid gross , so that tax will not have to be reclaimed .
29 Additionally , the survival rate of the obese woman with breast cancer is less than her thin counterpart .
30 She is smaller than her brother , with a rich mane of chestnut hair which she wears to the waist .
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