Example sentences of "[be] [noun] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They are kind round here , never think they are not . ’
2 We had all been prisoners long enough to know that you must allow people to be unbalanced if they felt like it .
3 They see part of the key to success in clever ideas for retuning , which are secrets as closely guarded as the recipe for Coca Cola .
4 And I 've , I 've done that and it , there 's not one thing you can point to and say there 's no one in here because it 's several things , altogether , that indicate it , it might have been there 's no car on the drive , there might 've been , there might 've been milk still out .
5 Are you saying that there are molecules out there in space which we just can not form ourselves in a laboratory ?
6 So I put it to him , ‘ Being famous does n't necessarily endow a guitarist with insight into the design and workings of the guitar , so why are artists so often asked for their input and reviewers almost never , when our job is to understand , examine and pass judgement on guitars on a daily basis ? ’
7 Mr Hollis says the figures nationally are bourne out locally and he says he 's not surprised by the findings in the report .
8 Well , I have to say , I mean it is a fairly gloomy picture , is it not , with the recession and then the Gulf war , which we said both of those there are signs well certainly the war , we hope , is over .
9 Of course , there may well have been conjecture when so many people invaded Maternity when the infant was delivered , but that was something you permitted . ’
10 You are mistress here no longer .
11 Generously , but also nostalgically : the national culture thus founded reaches an immediate peak in the Weimar classicism of Goethe and Schiller at the end of the eighteenth century , but the innocence and cultural purpose of that epoch are strengths no longer to the fore among the Germans of Nietzsche 's own day — the modern barbarians and " cultural philistines " ( Kulturphilister ) of the Wilhelminian Reich .
12 Not all of them I accept and they 've been very helpful and when it comes to erm any other issue , I think basically , unfortunately sir , I think that we have strayed from the debate , we 've strayed onto ethnic issues er er and I think it 's a shame Mr , there was no need to introduce that and of course it was bound to bring a backlash , it was bound to introduce it it it it 's coloured it it 's made opaque the issues because you make it complicated , in actual fact er er I think that er being a governor of a school , I think that 's absolutely marvellous that some youngsters the future , I think the future will decide , I think there are kids out there will turn round one day and say how could you have done that ?
13 We are 9lb better off at Ayr so we 've got to fancy our chances . ’
14 So it had n't been Johnny up there this morning , after all .
15 Tony , are schools today very different from the schools of the past ?
16 There are Scots down here who could never go back north because they would n't fit in .
17 ‘ There are snakes up there ’ he muttered , and retired behind his shades .
18 Are fishkeepers really so publicity hungry that they have to come up with quotations such as the Sun 's reported comment from Christine ‘ If we ca n't find a new home ’ ( for the Gourami ) ‘ we 'll just have to eat him . ’
19 There are opportunities out there and people tend to think of , or sometimes think of deals as being unique deals and they 're unique in themselves , but there are always other unique deals that can be found .
20 Just briefly , I have been correspondence right back erm it 's difficult to see why that land was designated for land except that it 's agricultural land and erm my point is that the gradient on a lot of the site , especially on the northern erm banks is one in five and one in seven and to build on that would erm well even said that the building would be imponderous so I mean i it just is n't a suitable site , apart from the link road , for , for housing either because the gradient there would , would be very erm difficult from a landscape point of view a there 's nothing they could do to improve the till you know the turn of the century and they are and through all the planning papers from nineteen eighty five it is said that that Hill ca n't be improved so I mean unless they do something erm dramatic , I ca n't see what they can do , I mean it just is n't a suitable site for development .
21 There are mountains down below .
22 In most instances , they appear to have been sites where only tesserae for the repair and maintenance of completed mosaics were knapped and stored .
23 While there has been contraction more recently , New Zealand Railways , almost uniquely , use the magnificence of some of their stations as a public relations and marketing feature .
24 I warned her : ‘ There are sharks out there and it 's littered with the corpses of hopefuls . ’
25 There may have been a breakdown in communication ; the taxi for day care did not call , the officer in charge was abrupt , the meal unsuitable ; these are matters not hard to put right , but unless sorted out quickly , enough to put off an elderly person perhaps reluctant to face a change of routine or the challenge of meeting new people .
26 Listening to the R5 commentary I did n't think that we played that well ( better than Norwich … but they were at home & they 're shit there usually ! ) .
27 ‘ They 're gypsies all right .
28 Now do you 're shoes up properly .
29 It 's colder than , than you 're room up there .
30 In short , they 're advertisements not just for your financial status , but for your impeccable intellectual and social credentials .
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