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1 Although it carries a slight risk of giving false positive results , if followed by a rectal examination it gives a good indication of the presence of prostate malignancy , which can be further confirmed by ultrasound and biopsy .
2 It was proposed that , the putative reverse transcriptase ( e.g. encoded by group II intronic ORFs ) could produce a cDNA copy of an intron-less RNA , which , if followed by a homologous recombination event involving the cDNA and the genomic DNA , would promote intron loss ( 46 ) .
3 There have of course been many other television programmes which have touched on the subject of mental handicap , including series such as ‘ Let's Go ’ , a weekly series for the mentally handicapped launched in 1981 , and followed by a second series in 1983 , and ‘ Accident of Birth ’ , a series mainly for parents and people working with the mentally handicapped broadcast in early 1982 .
4 As in most parts of Britain the Hercynian movements at the end of the Carboniferous were accompanied and followed by a long period of erosion .
5 The particulars should be entered in the police officer 's pocket book and followed by a question such as ‘ Have you any other test certificate for this motor vehicle ? ’
6 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
7 This was pronounced with finality and followed by a breath pause .
8 The searches were observed and followed by a fairly loosely structured interview .
9 ‘ Bending with the wind that brought you to me , ’ he quipped , the humour harsh and followed by a shrug .
10 Two curators at the V & a have spent months preparing an exhibition entitled ‘ The Art of Death ’ , to be supported by a lecture on ‘ Tarnished Coronets and Rotting Velvet ’ , and followed by a Mourning Supper of Hippocras and Cinnamon Cakes in the museum 's restaurant , with members suitably attired for the occasion .
11 To measure oesophageal body motility , variables measured were : ( 1 ) amplitude of contraction ( mm Hg ) , defined as the difference between the baseline pressure and the maximal pressure during the pressure event ; ( 2 ) duration of contraction ( s ) , defined as the time elapsed between the start and the end of the pressure event ; ( 3 ) area under the pressure curve ( mm Hg×s ) , calculated from the sum of all pressure values between the start and the end of the pressure event , multiplied by the sampling interval ; ( 4 ) propagation velocity ( cm/s ) , defined as the speed of a contraction and calculated from the delay time and the distance between the sensors ; ( 5 ) contractility ( mm Hg/s ) , defined as the maximal increment between consecutive pressure values divided by the sampling interval ; ( 6 ) total contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as pressure curves that are not rejected as artifacts ; ( 7 ) propagated contractions ( No/24 h ) , defined as contractions that are detected by a proximal pressure transducer and followed by a contraction at the distal sensor .
12 This period is divided into three distinct phases , phase I total quiescence ( 30–80% of cycle ) , phase II intermittent contractions ( 0–75% of cycle ) , and phase III , a short period ( 4–10 minutes ) of intense contractions at the maximum contractile rate , determined by slow wave frequency ( 11–12 cycles per minute in the duodenum in man ) and followed by a new phase I. These patterns of contractile activity occur in all healthy subjects and are normally recorded with tube mounted pressure sensors .
13 Richmond will be on a three-man panel of soccer experts on the BBC2 North programme Leagues Apart at 7.30pm and followed by a local radio phone-in .
14 When the speaker closes this paratone , she repeats one of her introductory expressions — it was very good Irish coffee too — not particularly low in the pitch range , but followed by a lengthy pause .
15 His body was rich with the smell of sweat and kahlua and he sent me sprawling and hyper with untold hormones upon the bathroom tiles , but one day , suddenly , actually it was night , parked atop Mulholland Drive with the car windows steamed and the upright stick shift pressing painfully against my lower back and my head banging against the passenger door , I was paralysed by the heaving horny heaviness of him and my climax was full and first — first time ever — but followed by a limpness in my body , dull as the shade of putrid beige , and later I dreamed he had invaded me in sleep and crushed me with his broadness and with pillows , though Crilly it was not suffocation I feared , no , it was something more abstract , more bodily and carnivorous , something akin to nameless reptiles , and it was not so very different from the gun and the windbreaker blowing large and puffy about a stranger 's gut like a tent in my car at Pico Boulevard , and I so sure I would be found dismembered and crotchless and gory and absurd , strewn from limb to limb across the green tweed upholstery , unrecognisable in death , and again the windows steamed , the windows steamed with that hot clenched nameless fist inside me and the glide of cool metal against my neck , and then there were no thoughts , no words in my head , nothing .
16 Note that the in nudist would tend to be omitted when followed by a stop consonant such as — hence permitting the above ambiguity .
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