Example sentences of "[conj] other have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed to he enjoying the water that somehow or other had seeped through , and I often wonder what would have happened to me if that black scorpion had indeed swung its deadly tail backwards and on to me .
2 Two masons who were chiselling at the finials which Flemyng had ordered for the gables would stop their clinking from time to time to confirm something that one or other had said .
3 This is where some fault or other has manifested itself sufficiently to affect the flight , though the critical event might have happened quite a long time before and been ‘ cooking up ’ until the divergence took place .
4 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
5 They would succeed where others had failed .
6 After all , dogs actually sniff regularly where others have soiled , around lamp posts for example , so this is certainly no deterrent .
7 Parker says that his sensor succeeds where others have failed in that it works under conditions resembling those found in physiological samples .
8 The stories , to my mind were always better in Bunty than in other comics , and this is probably why it has continued without merger , where others have failed .
9 Rather unreasonably , I felt somewhat cheated for I had been the one to traipse around the town , forgetting all the preliminary work that others had done !
10 The powers that others had invested in nature , Boyle placed in God .
11 His daughter Mary said it was all he was good for — using up fuel that others had cut .
12 He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law .
13 They alleged that electoral rolls had been tampered with and that people had been either pressurized to vote , refused a vote , or discovered that others had voted in their place .
14 The boy who deliberately confused English and German to create a language all to himself , the girl who pulled off her toenails , the boy who refused to speak for days on end , the girl who hid all her possessions and swore that others had stolen them - all these and many more were classed as difficult but just about manageable .
15 His eyes moved down the body , knowing that others had looked before him .
16 During childhood they also were more likely that others to have received gifts or remained home from school when ill .
17 It helps you take up a positive attitude if you are aware that others have recognized that age discrimination exists and is unfair .
18 ‘ Those who sit back in politics can quickly find that others have moved on .
19 The form and position of stone circles , tree clumps and wells strongly suggest a ritual approach along an ancient trackway , as if walking the paths that others have trod before encourages the energies to manifest .
20 I do not want , wrote Harsnet , to try and trace this logic or to dwell , in these notes , on the nature and direction of my earlier work , especially , he wrote , as I have always held that any new work worth its salt should be essentially different from all that has gone before , all that others have done and all that you have done , just as the deeds of each new day must never simply repeat those of the previous day or days .
21 May it not be , however , that others have originated in the way suggested by Daly ?
22 ‘ The Government has shown in the past that it is willing to grasp nettles that others have shied away from , and I have no doubt we shall grasp this one if we have to . ’
23 Little more than a year ago you could n't give away shares in the small computer company sector — so friendless were they that Star Computer Group Plc found it necessary to get into bed with a purveyor of pizzas to improve its visibility and rating : after Tadpole Technology Plc and now Division Group Plc — which soared to 107 pence on its first day of trading from the 40 pence placing price before settling at 96 pence — the rest of the sector looks set for a re-rating as investors seek to discern hidden charms that others have overlooked .
24 They have thought of existence , in the way that others have thought of light , as something that permeates all things without becoming a part of them .
25 Sviatoslav Richter ( DG made such a memorable recording of the piece , that others have had an almost impossible act to follow unless they too have had something comparably original to say about the work .
26 Reading can sometimes provide guidance and support , especially in showing that others have had similar confusions and conflicts , and have survived .
27 This gave his candidacy a clear sense of direction that others have lacked .
28 People who have gone on to higher education are less likely than others to have used HP or credit from fuel boards .
29 Pensioners were anyway much less likely than others to have used many sources of credit , though the types of credit for which their awareness was relatively high were moneylenders , mail order , shop accounts and tallymen .
30 Akehurst was early in understanding the importance of administrative and employment law in international organisations and , although others have carried this work forward , his contribution during the 1960s can properly be regarded as pioneering .
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