Example sentences of "[conj] keep [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You will have to spend a lot of time preventing tricky scenarios from getting any worse or keeping antagonistic individuals apart .
2 As a design element , hedges can lead or intervene as well as define , diverting attention from an obvious path or keeping secret areas from immediate view .
3 It says it can not get or keep skilled labour .
4 In a strong khaki handkerchief he kept his money , the handful of coins he had managed to save or pilfer and hide away in spite of Sweetheart 's threats that she would always find him out if he tried to lie or keep wicked secrets from her .
5 Britain might take part in naval manoeuvres or keep military supplies in the region , but will refuse any request to station troops there .
6 ‘ Rather sadly it is a comment on modern society that keeping public loos clean and not vandalised is an uphill battle , ’ says Dennis Tunnicliffe .
7 In his paper he exemplifies an approach to the teaching of stylistics that keeps technical jargon to a minimum and that aims to develop in the students a keen sensitivity for the way in which all levels of language , including grammatical choices , can contribute to the creation of aesthetic effects .
8 It is white racism that keeps ethnic minorities at the bottom of the hierarchy and separated from white society as a whole .
9 Takeovers are not the only thing that keeps American car-parts suppliers looking over their shoulders .
10 They do n't know a great deal at the moment about competitive strategies , marketing strategies , organisational analysis and all the other issues that keep chief executives awake at night . ’
11 Sooner or later , the social practices that keep Japanese women out of good jobs will be swept away by economic circumstances .
12 But these are qualities that keep human beings vibrant . ’
13 His basic method became a generic term in the English language , and his special contribution was to develop an economical way of bringing and keeping existing roads up to scratch .
14 In addition to normal responsibilities , which include making new investments , approaching new potential customers and keeping existing customers happy , Mr Queen says that they have been trying to educate the professional community to recognise when a company is going to need more working capital .
15 A wide range of facilities is available to help the disabled overcome the difficulties they face in finding and keeping suitable work .
16 Both handicapped and mentally ill persons can be helped in finding and keeping suitable employment in open industry , and given courses of rehabilitation .
17 Good for utility lawns and keeping rough grass under control .
18 Gardai confirmed they are keeping a close watch on the Atlantic outpost and keeping regular surveillance to prevent any breach of the peace .
19 Teaching staff have a number of needs for information , and for assistance with recording assessment data and keeping other course records .
20 In the night he might be heard running up and down his attic bedroom banging the wall at each end , and keeping other people awake .
21 While we know that putting young offenders in penal settings is likely to lead to poor results in terms of behaviour modification , it has the function of being a punitive symbol and keeping awkward clients out of circulation .
22 Buying and keeping healthy Corydoras
23 Invoicing — making out and checking invoices and keeping accurate records
24 I know these are increasing at a very rapid rate almost as quickly as the new legislations develop and keeping accurate paper records is becoming increasingly more difficult .
25 Mr Stevens , 68 , served aboard the light cruiser HMS Scylla in 1943 ferrying supplies to the Russians and keeping German submarines at bay .
26 Her social worker said the stealing was also the result of boredom and keeping bad company .
27 As dawn came up in the sky we made preparations to move back to our own lines , covering our withdrawal and keeping careful watch for any signs of the enemy .
28 ‘ Oh , but one starts training housemaids and cooks at twelve and thirteen , ’ said Miss Mates gently , but at the same time she was thinking of her own problems in finding and keeping satisfactory girls , and Miss McAllister looked both strong and willing .
29 Nor is there any reason why the state should tell firms how to attract and keep good staff in a country where qualified labour can be hard to find .
30 The super-ego is introduced as a concept to cope with this problem , its function being to censor and keep repressed material repressed .
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