Example sentences of "[conj] why they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
2 Chopra still did not know what was being excavated , or why they had stolen the most powerful thermonuclear device ever created .
3 The trouble was that very few members of the audience at the Theatre Royal , Brighton , understood either what he was saying or why they had spent the money on going to see him in the first place .
4 Goodness only knows what makes them tick , or why they thought they could get away with it here .
5 I do n't know where they got my name , or why they thought I was suitable material for their article . ’
6 Sometimes they 've been bitter and sometimes hopeless , but no matter how they 've fallen or why they 've fallen , the time comes when they stop and whether you like it or not , or intend it or not , stop they do .
7 If a development economist can understand why people plant so much maize , or why they plant on 30 June , his work of persuading them to plant cotton , or to plant earlier or later should be more successful , if not simpler .
8 Once we enquire , for example , what range of options are available to individual agents , or why they make the particular choices they do , the unsettled differences between the two views begin to emerge .
9 Nobody quite knows who decided all these things were dangerous and evil , or why they did so .
10 I ca n't figure out what that 'll do though , or why they want it . ’
11 ‘ I do n't care who these people are or why they want the letters , but when they phone tomorrow you 're going to agree to whatever they demand .
12 Hundreds of them are dumb , simple persons , caught in the web of law , unable to comprehend what has happened , what the charge against them is or why they have been sent to jail .
13 Between stops we can try and find out why their debut LP , ‘ Eva Luna ’ , is such a welcome anachronism that gives a shock to the nerve-centres of the techno ‘ n ’ grunge consensus , why rhythm is omnipotent once again and why they 've finally broken the apathetic silence by taking us all to task with some bold statements on matters of importance , instead of indistinct paeans to various objects of desire .
14 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
15 And it would be very interesting to know where his travels take him — I 'm not talking about his yacht cruises when she is with him — and why they take him there . ’
16 But others are less impressive and I wonder how and why they made it through to the final selection .
17 Hard work , then sudden pauses as people were overwhelmed by what they were doing and why they had to do it .
18 Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea explained at length what had happened that morning , how it had happened and why they had not foreseen it .
19 ‘ They must know why their husbands and fathers were away so long — and why they had to face such dangers . ’
20 I wondered who had abandoned them there and why they had not been removed .
21 By pretending not to understand , he got the group of pupils to explain to him exactly how it worked and why they had to use devices like this in the past .
22 It also needs a brief explanation of how and why they make their entrances and exits .
23 He asked Mr Jotter who had picked the vowels and why they 'd chosen the letter ‘ u ’ instead of ‘ s ’ which he thought was a nicer shape .
24 It was er one foolscap plus of , of words you know , explaining what , what they 'd done and all this and why they 'd done it !
25 These pages have described and examined some of the ways in which groups of adults perceived young workers , and how and why they sought to train , supervise , and control them .
26 How and why they form is still not known ; all that can be said with certainty is that winds begin to twirl anti-clockwise around a fixed point of steadily diminishing atmospheric pressure , and this circulating system then begins to move , invariably in a westerly direction , its internal pressure steadily falling and the gales inside it picking up speed as it does so .
27 Erm Freud 's hypothesis is that this religion left Egypt because of the persecution , Moses was one of Akhenaten 's followers who went out into the desert , erm here as I 'll explain in the lectures er some of my own research opens up a new angle on this that Freud did n't know about and why they went out into the desert , why they picked up these er Hebrew erm er immigrants who were living on the fringes of the Egyptian Empire .
28 To appreciate why certain questions are currently preoccupying psychobiologists , why they favour the particular answers that are in vogue , and why they seem to have neglected , until recently , many of the issues that non-psychologists would consider central to understanding the biological bases of behaviour , a short lesson on the history of psychobiology is relevant .
29 Have I actually understood how the saints and scholars of the great religions have understood " God " and why they consider that God exists ?
30 New large telescopes may clarify how galaxies form — at present a surprisingly difficult puzzle — and why they cluster .
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