Example sentences of "[conj] ask what the " in BNC.

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1 For example , in a normal conversation between a child and an adult , if the child said ‘ er … um ’ or looked puzzled in response to a question , the adult would attempt to resolve what appeared to be some problem of understanding by rephrasing the question or asking what the problem was .
2 It 'll be worse now , in retrospect , it 'll worse phoning Amy up at that moment and asking what the name was .
3 Many people think it is hard to assess whether a building is worth preserving and ask what the criteria are for trying to save it .
4 Now was obviously not the time to confront Feargal and ask what the devil he 'd been talking about .
5 Tonight , we look at other memorable programmes from the archives and ask what the future holds ?
6 The lead article reacts to the closure of 18 newspapers and periodicals since the end of 1989 — four years after the restoration of democracy in Urugyuay — and asks what the root causes are .
7 ‘ I wo n't march off and ask what the hell is going on because I know he will be acting in the best interests of the team .
8 When they were asked what the ( say ) ‘ egg ’ was ‘ really , really ’ the three-year-olds answered correctly that it was a stone , but when asked what the object ‘ looks like to your eyes ’ they also said ‘ stone ’ .
9 When asked what the problem was , her friends told me she had just been assigned to teach in a distant , rural middle school .
10 fewer than half the drivers questioned gave the correct answers of 70mph and 60mph when asked what the UK speed limits are for dual and single carriageway roads .
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