Example sentences of "[conj] help with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Men also provided some support for their relatives , usually minor property repairs or help with an allotment , but the volume of this was much less .
2 If you want to join the John Muir Trust or help with the Torrin appeal , write to : Keith Anderson , Membership Secretary , FREEPOST , John Muir Trust , Edinburgh EH9 0LX .
3 This might be legal assistance to recover unpaid fees or help with the negotiations after a cancelled engagement .
4 By completing the card you can also receive advice or help with the following :
5 However if you want advice , more information or help with the forms , contact your nearest CAB , Sheriff Clerk 's Office or the Court of Session .
6 Delabere Pritchett Blaine ( 1770–1845 ) , a medical man , had been recommended to assist Vial by demonstrating anatomy and helping with the translation of Vial 's lectures .
7 She said how glad she was they had somewhere nice to stay and that she hoped they were being good and making their beds and helping with the washing up and remembering to clean their teeth .
8 Social services departments also provide care and after care for older children , by running hostels for working boys and girls and helping with the costs of further education and training , or simply by offering friendship and advice .
9 They play a large part in the provision of welfare services , especially in running clubs and recreational activities and helping with the provision of meals , and they make a substantial contribution to the demand for residential care .
10 We used to play marbles in the alley-way together , and sail paper boats down the gutter when it rained , and we 'd spent all our hot summers together playing rounders on the field over the railway line and helping with the donkey-rides on the beach .
11 Mr R. Mardle for painting a museum sign and helping with the interim layout ;
12 The country 's fifth national development plan , covering the period 1986-90 , was making progress at reducing economic dependence on revenues derived from petroleum and natural gas reserves and helping with the creation of new private-sector industries .
13 The followers say the exhiliration and the spectacle of horse and hounds is a vital part of country life , providing jobs and helping with the management of the countryside .
14 And helping with the handover to assistant chief housing officer Neil Schneider , were two young girls regarded by Stockton Borough Council as typical of the youngsters who would benefit from a successful bid .
15 It made good copy and helped with the film 's publicity ; they also gave an insight into what others thought of Nicholson and the way he saw himself , then .
16 He made the coffee and helped with the washing up .
17 It was a work designed to catch the eye , to tempt the curious and to help with the identification of rarities .
18 They had had other help in the house too ; Mrs Eddy from the village who came for three hours every morning , and her daughter Jess who waited at table for dinner parties and helped with the clearing up after .
19 Marjorie does the books ; their son John runs the shop and helps with the coaching ; his wife Janie does the typing , and when I was in the office the lad who brought in the post said ‘ There you are , Grandad ’ and turned out to be John 's son , James .
20 But now the British Library is to provide cash and storage space , and help with a computerised catalogue .
21 She speaks again , chattily this time , about her friend Cal and how nice it 'll be to see her again , and she hopes that he 'll be polite and help with the washing up .
22 In 1858 J. W. Salter , the Palaeontologist in London , visited East Lothian and Fife to study the fossils and help with the correlation of the Carboniferous strata .
23 She says the settlement , which works out at £252,000 a year , will allow her to keep her maid , cook and secretary and help with the costs of a plush Milan apartment .
24 In return for this anonymity and help with the setting up of a new life , the Legion demanded five years ' service , wherever they chose to send you .
25 Moreover the teacher asks , What can we make ? requiring competent guidance and help with the variety of productive and reprographic equipment and facilities available , from the standpoints both of technical excellence and educational design .
26 And help with the lorry business and er I used to get three pound a week out of it .
27 They raise money for village development projects , clean public buildings and help with the catering for conferences and state functions .
28 MCD spectra provide information about the degeneracy of states and help with the assignment of electronic spectra .
29 With incentives like free carpets and help with the mortgage , sales are going well .
30 There will be some extra benefits for the needy and help with the increased fuel costs for all pensioners .
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