Example sentences of "[conj] seem [to-vb] no " in BNC.

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1 This did not mean that they were wholly resistant to new ideas — that was clearly not the case because many spoke of the helpful advice and information given on the farming , nutrition , health and child care programmes — but they seemed to resist anything which either conflicted with views they already held or seemed to have no relevance to their experience .
2 Since the end of the seventeenth century the Cecils , at Burghley House just outside the town , had controlled the election of both members by a combination of methods that seemed to leave no loophole for a mistake .
3 He spoke in a pleasing linguistic mixture that seemed to acknowledge no boundaries between Spanish and English .
4 The next tunnel forked , turned left , turned right again , and other tunnels led off from it ; and Fand led them at an even pace along a course that seemed to have no sense .
5 A meeting of the Committee of the Rambling Club , an essay or a report to prepare for next day , some knotty maths problems that seemed to have no solution , a party in the Junior Common Room , notes from a lecture on particle physics which needed tidying up ( Dr Glib talked so fast ! ) .
6 The Marines had sent her off in a small wooden-bedded truck that seemed to have no springs or shock-absorbers whatsoever .
7 The first sign that something was happening came when the interminable drumming from the countryside began to break up into two distinct and separate cadences , one deep and threatening , the other a nerve-jangling collection of notes that seemed to have no coherent structure , but somehow managed to sound rhythmic .
8 It was a big , bearded man with a shock of blond hair on a round bullet head that seemed to have no neck .
9 Rehearsals began the following day , plunging Shannon into a hectic whirlwind of activity that seemed to have no let-up as the week progressed , but she was glad of it — glad of the work that kept her mind as well as her hands busy .
10 Lindsey leaned against the rail , conscious of his nearness , her mouth dry with a nervousness that seemed to have no logic to it .
11 At one extreme , we have theories that take the form of bold , risky conjectures , while at the other , we have theories that are cautious conjectures , making claims that seem to involve no significant risks .
12 Welcome back : For hundreds of years people with more money than sense have been putting up strange buildings on their land that seem to have no point whatsoever .
13 Very faintly but quite clearly he said : ‘ Good God ! ’ and seemed to have no breath left for anything more explicit .
14 The teachers appear to operate a very rigid model of the dual labour market and seem to make no effort to encourage their girl pupils to struggle against it ; on the contrary , they take positive steps to encourage passivity in the face of obstacles .
15 They could not agree on the Gulf conflict and seem to have no agreed middle east policy .
16 She waters the plot every day and seems to have no intention of giving up , since she saves her own seed every year .
17 It intrudes into Carina , and seems to have no justification for separate identity ; it lies between Canopus and Beta Carinæ .
18 And whilst this massive imbalance has an enormous amount to do with international capitalism , imperialism , racism and militarism , it is also embedded in the historical development of patriarchy which precedes all other oppressions , post-dates fascist , socialist and communist revolutions and seems to recognise no boundaries when it comes to cultural , regional and racial differences .
19 In summary , acute cigarette smoking caused a significant fall in Vg but seemed to have no significant effect upon transpyloric fluid shifts .
20 Rather like the concept of Holy Trinity , the Devil hangs around as part of the religious baggage that belongs to tradition or ‘ our church doctrine ’ but seems to have no life or substance .
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