Example sentences of "[conj] woman [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the archway which divides the suyo of puro papa , where women sit on their hunkers , feet planted in the soft earth , and hack small potatoes out with their hoes , and the suyo of pura oca with its neat rows of bunched , dark green leaves , carriers stop and rest their bundles on the wall .
2 The contribution that women make to families through their unpaid domestic labour , and the costs they incur in doing so in terms of lost current and future earnings , are inadequately recognised in the current financial arrangements following divorce .
3 Most men are taught to seek in their working lives the sense of purpose , of meaning and of self-respect that women seek in personal relationships .
4 conquer erm she stoops to conquer and that implies , does n't it that women win through devious means
5 One possibility is that women tend to be less involved than men in formal and public speech events where the appropriate or customary style is especially explicit , where logical connections are made on the surface and where information and argument are more important than interpersonal solidarity .
6 Erm it 's been shown that women strive for a pronunciations and and sort of go more towards the .
7 In these circumstances , it is not surprising that women turn to their close relatives .
8 Reading about revolutionary feminism really grabbed me , reading about an analysis that saw male violence as crucial , and as one of the main issues for women and something that women die from all the time , many , many women .
9 This finding warns us against concluding that women get into heroin and sustain regular use solely because of male associations and partnerships .
10 Women have a hard enough time — being a ‘ house-husband ’ in most circumstances would be a struggle as the majority of men would be unable to find the support that women get amongst their peer group .
11 Others , focusing on issues such as the inequality in the wages paid to men and women or the violence that women receive at men 's hands , argue that women still have a long way to go before they are fully liberated .
12 Now Sir Frederick , recently the police have made great strides forward in encouraging women to come and report rape because until recently they did n't and they did n't want to they did n't want to face the shame and they did n't want to face everything else , Sir Nicholas and and again his wife which is the most worrying I think of this a women saying that that that women deserve to be raped , erm it 's going to make women less likely to come forward is n't it ?
13 Small wonder that women worry about the menopause , and that their anxiety is then influenced by social factors such as attitudes about the sexual attractiveness of their ageing bodies , the changing status and role of women as children leave home , and the risk of loneliness and poverty if their marriages should fail as a result .
14 ‘ The assumption is that women like to be desired by many men .
15 I don' think er that women mind at all , I do n't think that that people in general really take that much notice of it , I mean I personally er have no objection or would not try and dissuade these gentlemen from wearing these things , but I personally would never wear one , and one of the reasons I would never wear one is apart from maybe two cases there you can always tell , and I think the thing is that when I would feel very uncomfortable walking down the street and everyo I 'd feel that everyone was there going wig , wig and the other thing is , there 's a young lady at the back there made a very valid point , er
16 If we look at the look at the role that women play in our society today they have a very heavy burden already placed
17 In the examination of the ‘ restructuring ’ of the Lancaster economy , a particular focus will be the place that women play in different service sectors and in their social and political practices .
18 Some writers , pointing , for instance , to the formal legal equality that women have with men , suggest that women are now fully emancipated , and have no need for any further changes .
19 I mean do do yo , do you think women take more drugs than men do , whether recreationally or or or fo for their health or now th , is th is there a particular problem that women have with drugs whether it 's illegal drugs or tranquillizers ?
20 when , when the does , when the Twiggys came in and and the , the the angular woman er , of which I am not I wonder if that was the male view or what is the wo , the view that women have of themselves ?
21 This is a problem both in its own right , and because it reflects the relative lack of all forms of power that women have in contemporary Britain .
22 A small survey among campesina women living in the eastern part of the country , one of the poorest areas , suggested that women live in a state verging on terror during pregnancy , fearing death , or at least a permanent decline in their general level of health .
23 This paragraph speaks of the ‘ many distinctive gifts and talents that women offer to the Church ; ’ in it the bishops state : ‘ We believe the time if overdue for more positive attitudes about your participation in the life of the Church and we recognise with regret that you have often been permitted to play mainly a limited and often inferior part in the Church .
24 The difference is that women collude in their subjection .
25 These include a biological reductionism applied to gender roles , a presumption that women belong in the family but hardly anywhere else , and a ‘ functionalist ’ analysis of the family and its connections with the rest of society .
26 Suzanne Gibson , now when Marianne just said that women need to be aware of their own power , there was quite an interesting smile that came over your face there .
27 They suggest that women fit into the secondary labour market for five reasons :
28 In developing countries particularly , early marriage has as one consequence a lengthening of the period that women spend in childbearing .
29 Few would dispute that women excel at gossiping …
30 It was suggested that women move from one factory to other factories at the rate of 50 to 60 a week .
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