Example sentences of "[conj] leave [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid I ca n't stop long ’ , or leave them with ‘ Well , I must go ; I 've got such a lot to do , .
2 The declaration should be prepared in duplicate , so that both parts can be signed by both parties , so that each may hold one part , or leave them with you to hold .
3 Within a few months of its publication the government had launched a huge inquiry into pensions which was to produce a series of changes — including the right of employees changing jobs to either take a pension with them , or leave it with the previous employer and have it uprated in line with the retail price index up to a maximum of 5 per cent .
4 A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance .
5 AS another week begins , every working mum today has an extra worry on her mind as she drops off her children at the childminder 's or leaves them with a nanny .
6 Er and I can think of erm nothing better than to leave you with this slide er which I think sums up where we 're coming from today and what we 'd like you to take away from today .
7 Not only is he generally responsible for the system but he also receives all appeals from refusals of permission , and has the power to call in any application for decision by himself rather than leave it with the district council .
8 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
9 Not for the first time she cursed the lack of experience wth men that left her with no clue as to how to interpret what happened between them .
10 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
11 Of course , that left me with a large question — how could people ignore what happened to the Jews ?
12 CHELSEA defender Paul Elliott is to sue Dean Saunders and Liverpool over the tackle that left him with a severe knee injury .
13 They do n't really contribute as much as they could , so that leaves me with an awful lot of space .
14 D. B. Sweeney plays Doug Dorsey , a working class lad whose bright future in the National Hockey League is ended by a playing accident that leaves him with permanent eye damage .
15 well that 's five hundred quid , I said that leaves you with
16 Assuming DOL comes back to full fitness that leaves us with DOL , Newsome , Wetherall , Fairclough and Jobson for effectively 2 places , and that s before we start looking at the youth team players .
17 Sometimes Jack would bring Alison and leave her with Franca , or Alison would ‘ drop in ’ on Franca after seeing Pat .
18 He wanted to dissipate it and leave her with a last impression of him that was not totally unpleasant .
19 However , all the system manages to do is create 32Kb of High RAM ( D800-DFFF ) , load a few bits and pieces up there and leave me with 550Kb available in Conventional memory .
20 It 's highly unlikely , he argued , that people will unload their rubbish and leave him with games no-one wants .
21 Why should I throw mine away and leave him with his ? ’
22 Far from slaking his thirst , all his weekend with her had done was whet his appetite and leave him with a desperate craving for more .
23 For instance , does your " off-the-street " procedure for dealing with enquiries make the prospective clients feel wanted , well treated and leave them with an impression of an efficient , sympathetic firm capable of providing an expeditious service ?
24 You can not turn your back on this issue , and leave us with the responsibility ’ . ’
25 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
26 If we cancel it now it will create a lot of bad feeling and leave us with egg on our faces . ’
27 It 's not the fat cats we got ta take notice of , who steal the cream and leave us with the sil sour milk even .
28 You can also use your yarn for weaving , which by combining it with another fine yarn , will lighten , darken or brighten it up considerably and leave you with a beautiful fine fabric .
29 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
30 I shall be a whore , and leave you with a whore 's kiss . ’
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