Example sentences of "[conj] put [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 Poor Anna had been very indiscreet , the fascisti were going to arrest her or put pressure on her to leave the country for good , but he had been assured that if the principessa were to live again with him quietly in Rome nobody would touch her .
2 Furthermore , it may be in Big 's interest to deliberately slow down the progress of an acquisition possibly to await the occurrence of certain events or to put pressure on the vendor .
3 the entrapment of IBM Credit Corp in a portfolio of costly machines that put pressure on IBM to make subsequent upgrades to 3090-S and -J machines expensive ;
4 He knew he had a hole in one lung , leaking air and blood that put pressure on the other lung .
5 Can interrupt lovemaking , although putting condom on could be enjoyed as part of loveplay .
6 ‘ I said ‘ just comb your hair and put water on your face . ’
7 Richard saw , with reservations , where his duty lay , and put Dreadnought on the market through the agency of an old RNVR friend of his , who had gone into partnership , on coming out of the forces , as an estate agent in Halkin Street .
8 She let him treat her ankle and put liniment on it .
9 And in , in her house , she used to light about two hundred candles a night , and she ground down glass and put glitter on all the walls and the furniture and she played with light from these candles .
10 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
11 The chest may be painful and they hold it when coughing and lie on the painful side to keep it still and put pressure on it .
12 Her response was to revive the tactics of earlier campaigns with chevauchées which might lead to the capture of strongpoints in northern France and put pressure on Paris itself .
13 It is very important that the public realize the danger and put pressure on all governments to agree to large arms cuts .
14 The Office of Fair Trading can investigate uncompetitive practices , both by individual firms and associations of firms , and put pressure on them to desist , or recommend government to outlaw specific practices .
15 I hope that our Government will encourage other EC states within the United Nations fully to back up the United Nations and put pressure on Turkey to find an early solution .
16 Tehran also broadcast calls for Iraqis to ambush Iraqi troops and seize their arms , to rob the rich and put pressure on resident foreigners to force them to leave .
17 If they 'd been wise and told their government that this tax should not happen , as indeed many of their former ministers , like Michael Heseltine said , they 'd said it was incredibly complicated although seemed sounding easy , and would in fact bring higher levels of taxation to the lowest income people , then er if the local tories had actually acted on that and put pressure on their central party , perhaps their government would n't be in such a mess about this issue now .
18 Well well they used to make a pile of these things and put straw on top of them and then soil on top of them to keep the frost out .
19 Unix System Labs is rumoured to be sitting on top of a major geopolitical deal that will hand USL its next joint venture and put Destiny on the long march to widespread government-backed adoption .
20 The West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaign are asking people to support Dharmowtee and Prakesh , and to put pressure on the Home Office to stop the numerous unfair deportations of Black people .
21 There appeared no reason to suspect suicidal intent ; rather , the therapist understood the overdose as being intended to evoke sympathy from Ann , to make her feel guilty about leaving home and to put pressure on her to return .
22 Well tough he 's not getting my , he 's not getting the ensuite room , I can tell you If I if I have got three lodgers and I 'm getting on with them and they 're they 're paying me regularly for the sake of an extra twenty pounds or whatever and the annoyance from Tony coming in at ten a or there abouts and then sitting there like a stuffed frock waiting for me to leap about and put food on a plate and microwave it not doing it , Brenda !
23 These bearing-plinths are often damaged , impeding the working of the bearings and putting stress on the road deck .
24 In a controversial tax package , spread over three years , he plans to raise £10.5 billion by increasing national insurance contributions and putting VAT on domestic fuel bills .
25 While he was toasting it and putting butter on it , Conradin listened to the noises beyond the dining-room door .
26 Overall the statistics provided some evidence to support the view of Mr Major and his predecessor , Mr Nigel Lawson , that high interest rates would slow the economy , helping to choke off the boom in imports and putting pressure on industry to boost exports .
27 By means of an unprecedented policy of increasing its manufacturing efficiency through technology , and putting pressure on South Asia to export raw cotton , a trade which it had never previously engaged in , at the expense of calico , which was subject to high import duties , Britain was able to turn the tide against India , and later to flood that area with cheap cotton goods .
28 We get turned and cant pass back to Lukic unless its VERY safe , and even then he kicks it straight out of play so relieving the pressure on the opposition AND putting pressure on us .
29 Asked if the Clinton administration would put pressure on Israel to solve the deportees crisis , Mr Christopher said : ‘ It would be wrong to speak of an honest broker and putting pressure on any of the parties .
30 The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency .
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